Galileo Figaro Magnifico!: Queen of Legend
I present to you, a theme deck, with a twist.
while my decks generally have multiple win conditions, this deck sort of centers around "FREDDIE" MERCURYial Chemister's active ability to chuck heavy cost creatures as well as returning those tossed creatures to the field with Coffin QUEEN.
this deck is for THE REAL LIFE casual matches. it's not for JUST FANTASY theoretical theme deck making purposes.
when properly used, your opponent will be CAUGHT IN A LANDSLIDE. there will be NO ESCAPE FROM the REALITY of his untimely demise.
use this deck to crush some POOR BOY, and have NO SYMPATHY.
although they die at the end of the turn, with their cheap mana cost, they are EASY COME, EASY GO, run your opponent down with Ball Lightning and bring them back using cards like Coffin Queen and Death's Duet.
there are a wide range of spells in this deck. some of the mana costs are a LITTLE HIGH but the risk is still a LITTLE LOW. but really, like all decks it depends on your draws so really its ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS so just make sure that you have an attitude that says, "DOESN'T REALLY MATTER TO ME."
Coffin Queen is sort of the MAMA of the main strat. her ability allows you to jack monsters from your opponent's grave without having to PUT A GUN AGAINST HIS HEAD. then untap Coffin Queen to sort of PULL THE TRIGGER and oops! NOW HE'S DEAD and exiled forever.
use Coffin Queen and Death's Duet to recycle your haste monsters, especially Ball Lightning. swing hard and fast, they die at the end of the turn even though their LIFE HAD JUST BEGUN.
Buried Alive will have your monsters GONE AND THROWN THEM ALL AWAY. but really this is just a dirty underhanded fetch.
be sure that you let your opponent know that you MEAN TO MAKE HIM CRY, when you return your dead creatures to the field and attack because i'll be damned if they're NOT BACK AGAIN THIS TIME NEXT TURN to CARRY ON. and by CARRY ON i mean bring them back from the grave and attack again, as if NOTHING REALLY MATTERS.
quick attacks with haste beasts will make your opponent realize that its TOO LATE and that their TIME HAS COME. send SHIVERS DOWN THEIR SPINE and leave their creatures BODIES ACHING ALL THE TIME. they wont have time to say GOODBYE EVERYBODY once you get the ball rolling, because they'll HAVE TO FACE THE TRUTH that their demise is imminent and regardless if they DON'T WANNA DIE, you'll make them WISH THEY'D NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALL.
your start with this deck might slow at first, making your opponent see you as A LITTLE SILHOUETTO OF A MAN, but the tables will turn after the first couple turns and you'll see if he can DO THE FANDANGO.
use your assortment of THUNDERBOLTS AND LIGHTNING, especially Lightning Reaver, to keep your enemies defenses sparse. Reaver has fear and does extra damage each turn if you successfully swing at your opponent, making him VERY VERY FRIGHTENING.
remember that your quick hitting monsters like Blistering Firecat and Ball Lightning are expendable once you have Lightning Coils out, which will turn all those expendable guys into more small quick hitters.
make your opponent know that he's JUST A POOR BOY, and that NO BODY LOVES HIM while you pummel him down, do not SPARE HIM HIS LIFE FROM YOUR MONSTROCITY of a creature, the Dominus of Fealty. use his ability and steal your opponent's monsters and remind him that creatures are EASY COME, EASY GO.
also remember that you can revive monsters from your opponent's graveyard with Coffin Queen, which doesn't need to untap if you choose not to. your opponent will beg to LET HIS MONSTERS GO. but NO, YOU WILL NOT LET THEM GO until their usefulness has expired or you find better targets.
bring Thundermare into play with Coffin Queen's ability at the end of your opponent's turn to bring his defenses down, and then cast Relentless Assault to swing twice and you'll see your opponent say "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH MAMA MIA, MAMA MIA!"
also BEEZLEBUB HAS A DEVIL SET ASIDE FOR ME and you. Griselbrand, which you can chuck with Mercurial Chemister to deal 8 damage to problematic monsters, and then bring to the field.
SPIT IN THEIR EYE by using Coffin Queen's ability to bring back Ball Lightning or Blistering Firecat every turn, as they are not exiled when they die on their own. When Ball and Firecat expire on their own, they also feed Lightning Coils to help you set up more attacks.
i hope you all LOVE this deck, as you LEAVE YOUR OPPONENT TO DIE, but i've GOTTA GET RIGHT OUT OF HERE because its a work day and whatnot.
and remember NOTHING REALLY MATTERS if you're having fun. if you didn't get what the theme i'm referencing in this deck that ANYONE CAN SEE, well then follow the link below and you'll see that NOTHING REALLY MATTERS TO ME.
if you liked this deck, please check out my others:
Mana Tax: How To Annoy Anyone
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Tim With A Twist
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