It's a cool idea and you should listen to that other guy about eater of days, it's an amazing card for the direction you're going in
I know it's BBB in this deck but why not avatar of discord or something along those lines instead of hidden horror
Isochron with some more fog like thangs and maybe consider cards like mana reflection to make crazy hydras... My friend and I have been trying desperately to make a gruul hydra deck work... it never comes to anything more than a beastly multiplayer deck.. best of luck to you
They're* they should also be encased with rare Siberian tigers.
I don't think this is tournament legal. Great deck. Brofist bump.
I thought about it, I actually have one laying around waiting for some good use, I just haven't made room for it yet. I'm also intending on making a nice little spot for mogis, with all of that devotion it's be a pretty beast attacker and has a synergetic passive for this deck.
Naaaa it's just a cool thought I have a lot of red/black removal I wasn't doing anything with so I needed a lil somethin' somethin' thanks for the props lol
Herr durrrr derp durrr Myrs
young pyromancer could be nice if you went in that direction a bit
Remove the heroic tone for something else would probably be your best bet... there's plenty of cute shit heads that'll fill the gap nicely.... I don't usually run this kind of deck but maybe you could run something to give you a couple of tokens.. Ideally a permanent.. if you're having fun with this I think figure of destiny is cute
I just broke up with my girlfriend, feels batman, but it's good to see love is alive and well congrats.
I helped a friend build something around mycoloth awhile back. His devour mechanic is pretty damn awesome. I cheesed it up for her and threw in some isochron, respite, and fogs so that some speedier decks in our casual group wouldn't have their way with her. The only problem it really ran into was removal. Once mycoloth comes out all you really need to do is drop a kill, especially if he eats everything on that side of the field... in that case I usually thank my opponent after whipping the board for me.
There are plenty of better options than curse of predation... if you're really into what parallel lives does for you and you're just trying to have fun; you could go ahead and add a bit of primal vigor. It's a tad more expensive but, as it is this deck doesn't seem to really start the fun till later on in the game.
Or even the turn of since it generates five mana... Unless you feel like dumping some more devotion on the field
I think that may work well for you as a late game option to get off the merchant's ability twice using the whip next turn.
Cool I'll check it out, maybe get an idea or two.
I think the card's flavor text does it justice... as if it's admitting it's own lackluster ability.
If anything shadow alley denizen may get her play time again, for those occasions where flying alone isn't enough to let through damage.
Thank you very much for the advice, I'll considered throwing in some highborns or something tasteful along those lines, I've never been a fan of interloper; however bloodline keeper seems to do his thing rather well with any long term commitments, if he gets the chance to flip it usually changes the tide especially if there's already a noctrunus on field. He also tends to be a target for removal which in some masochistic ways I like considering it wastes my opponent's ammo . These are the cards I've been working with other than the demonics, I'm so poor I sign in blood, so I might try making some proxies to test out better placeholders..... I mean hell if I'm going for speed a turn one vampiric would be nice but, if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure that's banned to the darkest depths of hell in most formats... speaking of that is dark depths banned from modern? If not i could fill the void with that and some hexmages.