Finally, my super-secret sideboard tech, Goatnapper, will finally be put to good use! Mwahaha!
Of course, WInd-Scarred Crag would be even better - unless you're really, really trying for the Fateful Hour on Gather the Townsfolk. Rally the Peasants could also be good. Also, Battle Screech, Cenn's Enlistment, and Mog War Marshal could all add to the deck's reach.
I'd say instead of Perilous Myr, you could use Myr Sire. That way, you get can devour one, then devour the other. On the other hand, at that point, you could just use Tukatongue Thallid or Blisterpod. Come to think of this, that would also help your mana curve, which is strong on 2s but has no 1s.
This doesn't piss people off, it's regular, fair Magic as Richard Garfield intended. Piss people off would be like Flipping Eryo, Soratami Ascendant and playing Isochron Scepter with Memory Lapse on it, stuff like that.
Good call!
Lava Spike + Splice on Desperate Ritual + Izzet Guildmage = If you have these three and 6 red mana (or only 4 with Training Grounds), you can do infinite damage. The Splice gives you RRR as part of the spell resolution, meaning you can copy the spell again without letting the original resolve.
Forsake the Worldly is like strictly better than Scrap.
Oh, my mistake
Couple of notes: First off, your sideboard is a little weird. Stone Rain? Why bother with that when Molten Rain is strictly better? Why, oh why would you include Shatter when there are like a billion better Red artifact destruction spells: Smelt, Echoing Ruin, Pulverize, Shatterstorm, Shattering Spree, or splash green and play TIn-Street Hooligan. Blazing Volley also seems a lot better than Electrickery, but even that seems lousy in a deck where most of your creatures could just kill x/1s in combat. Why play Ghost Quarter when there's Wasteland? Goblin Lackey and Warren Instigator are both great candidates for Legacy Goblin decks, and make those Goblin Grenades a full 4x. If it's just a budget deck, that's fine, too.
Ancestor's Prophet, Doubtless One, and Whipgrass Entangler all seem useful, not to mention Westvale Abbey
It seems like Soulfire Grand Master would be even better than Tamanoa. Plus, you don't really have that many pay-offs for gaining all that life. Archangel of Thune and Cliffhaven Vampire come to mind.
Latchkey Faerie? Oona's Blackguard?
You don't have any way to cast Ethereal Armor or Armadillo Cloak, btw
Flickerwisp worsk, Restoration Angel doesn't.
If you're playing Berserk, you might as well play Invigorate, too.
Servo Schematic and Cogworker's Puzzleknot both get you two artifacts instead of one, and Myr Sire leaves behind a friend. Darksteel Citadel is an artifact land, so that helps.
Rooftop Storm? It lets you cast Thraximundar for free.
Red seems kind of unnecessary to me, especially when there are so many good blue/black commanders in mill, like Lazav, Dimir Mastermind; Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker; Phenax, God of Deception; Szadek, Lord of Secrets; or Oona, Queen of the Fae. Your red cards are few and far between: some "mass removal" which would easily be traded out for Languisih, Mutilate, Yahenni's Expertise, or Toxic Deluge; some spot removal that could be replaced with Fatal Push and Malicious Affliction; a few signets which you can replace with Sky Diamond, Commander's Sphere, or Coalition Relic; Breaking // Entering which is beat by Glimpse the Unthinkable and, if you're really set on that Entering effect, use Extract from Darkness. Two colors makes your mana better, and you can play more utility lands.
Junktroller, Aetherspouts, Proteus Staff, Reito Lantern, Spell Crumple, Spin Into Myth, and Vessel of Endless Rest all work with Tunnel Vision as well.
Counterspell isn't modern-legal. It was only printed with a Modern cardframe in Eternal Masters and the Jace v. Chandra Duel Decks, neither of which enter Modern. There were some online release, and of course, the Amonkhet Invocation, but none of those make the jump into Modern. If I were you, I'd run Dawn Charm or Angel's Grace or Angelsong on Isochron Scepter. Also, Muddle the Mixture is good because it can search your deck for any instant costing 2 or it can search for Isochron Scepter itself.
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