This needs Phyrexian Dreadnought
Or simply remove a couple island for ghost fire blades, as the land count seems high for an affinity deck
Yes, the land-lock is ghost quartering your opponent until they have no more lands. The win conditions are Knight of the Reliquary and Tireless Tracker. These can become quite big, as i can play with how many lands are in my graveyard (for Knight) and make a lot of clues, sac them, and make Tireless Tracker big. Other than that, the landfall triggers i have are Tireless Tracker, Courser of Kruphix (for life gain), and Retreat to Coralhelm (scry, disruption, combo with Knight of the Reliquary). Undergrowth Champion does seem good, as he can be a good blocker early game, thanks for the suggestion!
... Never have i even thought about the Ob and Fertilid combo, that is just nasty! I actually never read the "target player" clause on Fertilid...You're right about the budget part (although i only built this to see if i would prefer a voltron build over my Meren deck, whom I can't seem to get enough of). Solid suggestions on all the cards, will change it!
A possibility would be dropping a main board path for a queller, and add some sideboard paths
Thanks, still figuring out how to build the deck before I buy into it, any comment helps really... went 3/3 on top/explorer, changed the sideboard for 4 leylines and added 3 groves.
Thanks for the comment! Went with -1 grave titan, -1 liliana, heretical healer, -1 kolaghan's command, and +1 courser, +1 slime (as a form of land disruption), +1 thragtusk
It does, doesn't it?
Very nice suggestions, thanks
Seems like gyre sage got in here by accident... try it now
Thanks! Means a lot
Guess i went full retard, thanks!
Nice pauper! Too bad pauper is blue wins...
Not sure if sarcasm...
Thanks for the advice!
What would you propose i change for it in the deck?
Sorry about that folks, I didn't check the price tag on galerider before suggesting it!
Galerider instead of winged?
Great suggestions, thanks! I do believe a rough 1/3 chance on Lurking Predators is worth it, especially with high-cost monsters in there!
All great additions! I didn't know the urn, i was sure reach was in there and i had forgotten about souls! Thanks for the tips!
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