Lol i thought it was "The Mili". Tha Carta!
oh hey, cast rites on the massive quispike, do 20 damage and gain 20 life. No worries about blockers either lol
So... Infestation gives tokens for things that die with tokens... Flourish gives elves for each token played... those elves die, they get you more tokens, Quilspike gets very large, how do you start the chain though? Devoted Druid? (Witherscale and a Rites?) I guess the rest of the deck would be focused on doling out -1 -1 or just staying alive untill you can get the combo in.... looks a lot cheaper than what i was going for lol
Well, this deck needs some kind of mana acceleration, some duel lands, enchantment/artifact removal, etc. Unfortunatly I just don't know anything about the new expansions. If their is a bigger creature with bigger drawbacks that i can toss to the Rites, that'd be cool. Anything that does damage by sacrificing creatures, etc. Help a Collegiate bound Farmer with dialup out lol.