Thanks, had to remove Retract as well as I didn't have them anymore - switched it to Displacement wave that works against enemy tokens too. Added a Sphinx's tutelage as alternative win condition.
Done and thanks for the advise.
Nevermind, just realized Shrieking Affliction does not deal damage, just causes loss of life ergo no combo with Pain Magnification ( should still work with The Rack though) .
... and it's a zombie :) Also only artifact zombie suitable for these colors.
Thanks, completely forgot to make a sideboard.
Why no Hedron crab ?
My latest creation .. would suck so bad against such artifact hate..nice synergies though, Abundance is a card I haven't stumbled across before - interesting, Thanks !
Scythe of the Wretched gives +2/+2 to the equipped Triskelion, removing the last +1/+1 counter to deal a single damage to itself does not kill it , as it is 1/1 with a boost of +2/+2 due to the scythe and thus a 3/3 . You can shoot off and bounce a second Triskelion and then re-equip the scythe.The 2x Rite of passage combo does work though. I like the deck alot, except for the cycling cards - use the bauble artifacts instead to dig through your deck ( Conjurer's Bauble and Urza's Bauble are the cheap ones ).
Hexmages there to get rid of opponent planeswalkers and anything else with counters on it, with nocturnus out they are 4/2 flying , firststrikers, and 2/1 firststrikers at worst for 2 mana.. I currently have dismembers in sideboard as Damnations were too expencive to buy for my kitchentable games.
I like it ! Personally I would drop 2 lashwrithe and use atleast 2 hexmages ( 2 mana sorcery speed planeswalker killer at worst, 4/2 flying firststriker with Nocturnus out ; also lessens the chance of a non-black topdeck card). Fetchlands are awesome for mono-black , save them unless needed to shuffle deck when top card is an artifact or land ( when you've got Nocturnus out ).
Thanks for the pointers , don't know what I was thinking here. I currently run the deck as mono-black with beseech the queen in deck rather than in sideboard. Demonic tutor and/or Vampiric tutor + Sol ring are on my shopping list :)
My mana base is a mess.. could use a helping hand sorting it out - note that I only have that one fetchland :( .
Feel free to comment on how to improve the deck, without using really really expensive cards..also I realize ponder might be restricted or banned in several formats - some scry cards could replace it.
Annoyance mainly, but with the 7 mana kicker.
Yeah , genesis waves are prone to counterspells . Ooh , primordial hydras are sweet , Thanks! ( turn 3 8/8 hydra :)
Yes , obviously there are better cards these days. This is roughly the deck I used to win with , it kept losing to Worship decks though :( Thanks for the suggestions though , krenko's commands and dragon fodders truly are great goblin makers.
- 1 rotting rats - 2 blightning - 2 shambling remains + 4 dark ritual + 1 buried alive Just my humble opinion , a first turn buried alive would quicken the pace a lot. Graveborn / Buried alive decks tend to lose if there isn't a win within the first 4 rounds ( opponents either get their combos or overwhelm you with their armies) ... Also 20 lands is on the lower side , especially without any mana ramp. The different themed buried alive is warmly ( or grave coldly?) welcomed to the family, good work !
Add Lingering souls , flying tokens with flashback that suits the colors you're using.
Thanks for the input.
The deck was made with the cards I own , Proxys are a "No no" even in casual games :) Did win 5/5 games with the deck tho.