if you're basically going for a quick turn 4/5 ramp to Xenagos/Kal-hydra you may want to focus more on that swap out the Xenagos Fanatics for Sylvan Caryatids. Def dump aspect of hydra, and plummet, side board 1/2 plummets, but unless you're going against mono black, there's no real consistent flyer threat. outside of desecration demon and stormbreath, in either case neither of those two creatures changes your game plan of wanting to slam a hydra and roll over them with it(so main board plummet is dead cards)...a bolt or even gor-clan rampagers is a much stronger card. a plummet is only good against a flyer. I'd argue for some way to protect your hydra. A hexproof, or indestructible spell. if you're not getting your prime threat out til turn 5. you can be sure your opponent is most likely sitting on removal just waiting to disrupt you. maybe possibly play hunter's prowess as a reload/finisher