yes I saw that infinite combo with the two cards but since Avacyn Restored rotated out exquisite isn't legal in standard anymore :( but I will be adding it for sure in casual play! Thanks!
Just threw this together Quickly I have been out of the game since Eventide and just got back into it let me know how your guys think this deck will fair and what improvements you think will make it better! Thanks!!
i dont get it lol
can someone please explain to me how this deck works?
thanks planestalker the links really helped i look forward to more posts on this deck very interesting stuff
no greens but i do agree with chancellor of the annex :)
i mean if you had a couple coat of arms youd have room to throw some weenie angels in there and by the time you have enough mana to pull out your strong angels....see were im going with this lol??
coat of arms anybody???
how fast can u suggest that combo starts stringing together? mind you i did just skip thru all previous text so if that question was already answered i apologize :D