
30 Decks, 31 Comments, 1 Reputation

yeh, i also thought about it and found that it should be max 2 haunts in the deck. i'm going to test during this week.
and the thing about the bomb seems true, too. never thought about this...

-2 Moorland Haunt
(-1 Plains)
(-1 Island)
-1 Midnight Haunting
+4 Seachrome Coast
+1 Invisible Stalker (don't know whats better)

Posted 03 October 2011 at 17:22 in reply to #204396 on Ghost Blade T2


the deck seems pretty nice, but i have really no idea of pod decks^^
i would play less 5 and 1 mana creatures and a little more which cost 3 and 4, because these are the beginning of all sacrifice rows.
and i can suggest more Razor Hippogriff to bring back Pods and more skaab ruinator (to bring in with pod, sacrifice and play again from your graveyard). oh and i don't see the use of phantasmal image, because you cant use it for the pod, can you?

Posted 03 October 2011 at 09:43 as a comment on new bant pod


i like the FaF more, because it gives me card advantage and a tempo boost. SoWaP just helps in damage races (when both players attack unblocked all the time) and SoBaM has this totally unusual mill ability, that even helps player in the new set (snapcaster, self-mill, zombies, flashback, ...)

an other thing is the protection. surely, it matters what deck your opponents play, but overall b/g is the best portection in my opinon, because black has removal and green the best creatures.

i play actually 3 midnight haunting, but i have to test it longer. 2-3 should be good in any case.

Posted 03 October 2011 at 09:33 in reply to #204159 on Ghost Blade T2


ah, thanks to you. i just totally forgot the timely reinforcments... i'll add them
-3 Feeling of Dread
+1 Dismember
+2 Timely Reinforcments

Posted 03 October 2011 at 09:25 in reply to #204313 on Ghost Blade T2


lol, you will never have this perfect hand and the mill 4 vengevines out of 5 cards... lol

Posted 02 October 2011 at 19:14 as a comment on Turn 1 standard deck until 30. september 2011


sry, but playing 3x dismember in a mono red deck is pretty suboptimal. you pay 4 life to get something you could also get for a few more mana?
honestly, when do you need the 5 "damage"? just play Arc Trail, Red Sun's Zenith, Harvest Pyre, Combust, Chandra's Outrage or more Brimstone Volley.

Posted 02 October 2011 at 18:38 as a comment on RDW wolfrun


i would play duress over despise. the rest seems pretty nice

Posted 02 October 2011 at 12:59 as a comment on My Black/Blue Reborn


well, i hope you saw i have the midnight haunting what makes some pressure. also, the caw blade without SF Mystic didn't do anymore in the beginning. t1 and t2 i use to ponder and counter.

and the not equipable images aren't a problem. they are just so great, i had to play them. copying snapcaster mage (who by the way is a creature i can equip), sun titan or opponent creatures for 2 mana is just great.

the other creature choices are simple. titan as finisher, because he brings back snapcaster, image, oblivion ring etc, snapcaster to bring back midnight haunt, a counter or just whatever you want.

Posted 30 September 2011 at 17:53 in reply to #203661 on Ghost Blade T2


yes, i know the stalker is great with the sword, but without he really does nothing... so i don't wanna play him

Posted 30 September 2011 at 17:44 in reply to #203659 on Ghost Blade T2


ah, thx, i search for WUG so i didn't found it. seems much better, thanks

Posted 24 September 2011 at 10:09 in reply to #202211 on T2 Blade of Paradise


yeah, i thought about it. but had a few problems vs aggro deck while testing (also causal, so they can be really extrem). kitchen finks are really nice to stop aggro, because they give 4 life and block/kill 2 creatures. the splicer kills also like 2 attackers (token survives the first block cause of first strike) but dont give the life.

Posted 17 September 2011 at 22:24 in reply to #201102 on My love


I have 25 Lands because you never want to have a round without a landdrop, every experienced tournament player (I'm not^^) plays 25 lands in caw blade.
Gideon is only 1 time because you don't want to draw him twice. with 5 manacost you can play him only really late, anyway.
Nevertheless thx for your comment.

Posted 17 September 2011 at 13:04 in reply to #201012 on My love


yehh, but i have some good removal with white if I want to, and I think its not good to pay always 4 life. maybe in a more aggressive version of the deck, but not in this.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 20:25 in reply to #200905 on My love


no, it's causal, i don't play tournaments. And Dismember is much too expensive for a uncommon in my opinion.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 17:58 in reply to #200905 on My love


sooo, i looked around a little bit and found "Steelsharper's Gift". Do you (as experienced player) think i can use it instead of SF-Mystic, or is the body and the ability to bring it in play that important?

Posted 16 September 2011 at 13:58 as a comment on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


well, now i have an other question: would it be posslibe to play this deck without any equipment (for causal)? because i have 1 "sword of fire and ice" and 1 "umezawa's jitte" but i had to sell them to get the money for the other cards^^

Posted 14 September 2011 at 14:23 in reply to #199777 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


wow, thx for this wall of text ;D really helped me, thanks

Posted 13 September 2011 at 19:07 in reply to #199777 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


Hey, I'm not that experienced and have some questions:
1. how do you win in this deck most of the time? i guess you won't draw the swords that often without SF-mystic. so how do you do it?

2. why deprive and not a 2nd spell pierce?

3. Do you not WANT to put in more planeswalker, or don't you have the money?

4. I do not understand the great thing about inkmoth-nexus. why is it that good, i don't see much use because of infect.

5. I want to play such a deck in causal as budget version. Is it possible to play it without Sun titan, gideon jura and blade spilcer? can you suggest any cards?

thank you for your aswers ;-)

Posted 11 September 2011 at 20:06 as a comment on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


thx... i deon't like the hydra so much, because you should have at least 5 mana to play it, and thats just too much in this deck...

Posted 20 August 2011 at 10:49 in reply to #193522 on Zoo


great deck, great idea.
in here, "Shape Anew" is like a more expensive "Tinker". Tinker is forbidden Legancy and Commander, so I guess this deck will win most of the time ;-)

Posted 18 August 2011 at 18:57 as a comment on shape anew


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