
359 Decks, 108 Comments, 7 Reputation

I just added your recommended card in my deck
Thx for your comment :D

Posted 19 February 2011 at 07:14 in reply to #131354 on No!, Don't hurt yourself! :P


That's an Epic one :D
I just know that now from you.
Thx for an advice :D

Posted 19 February 2011 at 07:04 in reply to #131354 on No!, Don't hurt yourself! :P


Thx a lot :D

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:46 as a comment on No!, Don't hurt yourself! :P


I have builded a low budget Black/White orzhova deck.
But it's a quite different concept :D

I played with
> Ghost way
> Blindhunter
> Highway robber
> Cloudstone Curio
> Red Akroma
> Otherworldly Journey

But that may not siutable for your deck = = "

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:39 in reply to #131170 on Shall we dance?


> Sinkhole may help your deck :D It's more dangerous card than discarding card in 2nd turn.
> You may prepare a creature in your hand for self-discarding
Such as Bloodghast or Nether Traitor but i don't sure that can work well :)

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:23 as a comment on Aggresive Discard!


I play with my friends with no BANnig rule.
And in every Expansion :D

It's more fun and It's has more cards more spell to play with.
more interesting combos :)

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:07 in reply to #131332 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


I checked your deck :D
And leave some comment.
I wish it's a benefit for your deck.

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:04 in reply to #131274 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


- Are there "Counterspell" (UU) in M11?
- If you wanna use Kuldotha Forge master to search out a Blightsteel
Colossus , I think you should reduce down 1-2 Colossus in your deck.
Becuase they will ruin your opening game if they're on your opening hand.

- Whisper silk is a useful card on this deck but it's not neccessary that you have to put them in x4.
and you already have x4 Asceticism that it has asame duty (Shroud)

- Put in some more Mana accelerators such as Cuitivate or Llanowar elf to call Khuldotha FM.
as fast as possible.

Posted 19 February 2011 at 05:56 as a comment on Blightsteel Sacrafice


It's hard to instant-kill in 1st-4th turn with infect ability.
bcz most of infectous creature has a high Converted Manacost

I used to try to create an instant-kill Infect deck but I can't -.-

I think that must not the simple way to atk and infect your opponent.
It's must be another way such as Enchant or Equip an Infect spells
and use a creature that can Deal damage directly to a player.

Just find a creature combos that can deal 10 damage in once at a player
that may can kill with infect instantly

But I can't = = just an idea.

Posted 18 February 2011 at 22:52 in reply to #131274 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


Jinx Idol <<
It's interesting to play with this deck :D

Posted 18 February 2011 at 21:04 as a comment on Shady scrapdeals


I can't imagine...
How to build Instant-kill Infect deck *-*
Did you know that? Please tell me *-*

Posted 18 February 2011 at 20:54 in reply to #131236 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


I've see your deck :D
That's EPIC one -0-
May be a lot of fun to play :)

Posted 18 February 2011 at 20:50 in reply to #131227 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


Tolarian Academy > That's an Epic land to play on Mirrodin's Beseige . :D

Posted 18 February 2011 at 16:04 in reply to #131198 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


Those are great cards :D
What type of cards or combos to play with
Necropotence / Yawgmoth's Will / Ad Nauseam to an instance win?

Can I transfer the Life-Paying duty to the opponent or something?

Posted 18 February 2011 at 16:02 in reply to #131198 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


Thx :D
You can find these cards. but need so much butget . lol

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:59 in reply to #131191 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


Thx , But that would be tough if i need to sacrifice a creature every turn.
It may be work if there's a token-produce creature or enchantment :D

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:47 in reply to #130084 on Super-Mana Blightsteel Zenith


Your deck may be too slow , I think
You should reduce 1-2 Howl of the Nightpack
reduce 1-2 Overrun 1 Beast Master ancestion
Becuase it is useless if you still cannot produce a mass of wolfs
And it will riun your game if there're too much of these stuffs on your oppening hands

You will have 3-5 space to put in another interesting spells into your deck :)

You may put in 2 - 3 Bird of Paradise. It help you much in 2nd and 3rd turn
it may be Elvish pioneer to work with Cultivate :D

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:42 as a comment on Wolf Overrun


Yeah, I see but I'm afraid that it would'nt good if there're too much of that
stuffs on the opening hand 0-0

I just need two cards of combos or one card with a Black or Blue Tutor.
Black Lotus is just for accelerate the combos
(it can Kill in 2nd-3th turn with Lotus)

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:18 in reply to #131163 on TheMOST CHEAT DECK in the WORLD!!


> Promise of Bunrei
> Reassembling skeleton
> Grave pact
> Elspeth Tirel
> Festival of Trokin
> Mobilization
> Academy Rector
> Bloodtrone vampire
> Rite of consumption

May these card can help you deck :D

please consider my deck at:

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:13 as a comment on Shall we dance?


Oh! sorry. I forgot about that :P

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:08 in reply to #131091 on turn 1 hellkite overlord or akroma!!!!


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