Accidentally I saw your reply only a few minutes after the second one. Good ! I am glad you like my advice, your deck is starting to shape now. I believe with playtesting now you will find the small changes it might needs to be optimal. Make small changes each time and test again. I used to play a lot a deck with similar way of thinking like yours, I won a couple of FNMs with that, eventhough I was not based on godsend but auras to achieve the same effect like you. you can look at it to get ideas if you want. Good luck.
In my opinion godsend by itself makes even weak creatures very formidable foes, but you on the other hand have already strong creatures like arbor, archangel which will come into game later and benefit less from godsend's power. You have very few creatures too and I am not sure if you can deal with control decks or very very aggressive ones with a lot of small fast creatures. The way I see it if you want to take advantage of godsend you need smaller creatures, preferably with hexproof. Bassara the Tower Archer is great for your built, witchstalker too. they cannot kill you with their spells and when you equip godsend on them they are nearly unbeatable. I generally feel you need a lot more 2-3 drops if you want to play Godsend that is, otherwise if your main finisher is elspeth... well you dont need godsend. Right now this deck is something like a hybrid between the two. Decide where you want to go (elspeth or godsend) and build accordingly.For a Godsend built I would suggest: Remove-Arbor Colossus, - Archangel of Thune (too slow for the purpose of the deck)-Primeval Bounty (very expensive and slow, a bit irrelevant in this deck)- Elspeth? (you could keep her in as an alternative finisher, but taking her out makes your strategy more consistent)KeepCourser of Krufix (will helo you stabilize and prevent you from running out of gas), Ajani Mentor of Heroes (good late game addition, will boost your godsend equiped creature to give you lethal damage), Banishing Light (best removal in the format at the moment), Brimaz (makes you more aggresive, good card)The burn spells (will help you with small creatures, make you aggresive, scry)Add+ Bassara the Tower Archer, +Witchstalker (great 2/3 drops , hexproof, good target for Godsend, resistand to control, cheap)+1 more Godsend (consistency)MaybeBoros charm is ok but maybe you need a bit more creatures (I would suggest fleecemane lion)Sylvan Caryatid is fine but I would suggest Elvish Mystic