i would definitely put in some mine layers if you are making a land destruction deck
if you would really want some control put in 4 virdian longbows and try to get them attacked to nighthawk and your opponent wont be able to keep any creatures on the field
if you are going to have all of those high mana vampires i would find a place for 4 dark rituals and through in some diabolic tutors so you can search you library for your better vampires.. comment on my decks
since you have so many cards that make you draw you might want to put 2 spell books in here. comment on my decks
i would trim your deck down and find a base to make your deck around.. like have angels or have life link as your main idea for your deck. look and comment on my decks
you could put in dark rituals to get some quick mana to lay your demons.. look and leave comments on my decks