contaigon clap works bette for vamps, i have a deck too and i used to run the engines. its too costly for an ability best spammed in smaller pieces.
i think blood artist and phyrexian rebirth is lovely in this type of deck, you can check it under my deks if you want. its not that popular though lol. im just saying why not get more kick out of a board whipe? maybe some graveyard fishers for the chance of loosing key cards? a fun black white token deck
instead of the obeliscs, why not just manaliths? same cost for all mana
i like it but too many 4 slots, keep it deverse, keep it fresh and make sure you keep the damage rollin! a must for every plus on deck like this is a card called volt charge. im going to put my vampire deck thats a lot like this up in a minute ill give yo a link, its pretty much unbeatable (bsides a bad draw, ya know it happens) to give you a look at a few options in cards
i had a cool idea, go with a few board wipes, instant win with the artists idk thats my 2 cets (use phyrexian rebirth)
all i have to say is go green. why? doubling season!!!
i agree with you there but im simply to poor to even afford that haha im still working on obtaining at least half of these cards.
wouldnt a single witchbane orb shut you down though?
hey thanks i see now im kinda n00b persayto deck making i only use what i get in random packs and fatpacks would u be any good on modern format? i have a vampire themed (i dont say tribal cuz not every card says vampire) that i will be taking to FNM could u look it over and be able to say wether it needs to be rewworked? i know it fails against burn already
so they called it that because the creatures basically commited suicide to kill the opponent?
ok seriously sorry for this, i dont mean to be one of those ppl who do nothing but advertise a deck but i seriously need a pro's opinion of my vampire tribalish/ theme deck i made it modern...can you give me a look and tell me whether itll even survive FNM? thanks
why do you call it suicide? is that just a nem or does that mean something?
XD but using backs of cards is sooooo boooooring!
ok but then what do u suggest i take out to replace?
if i were a more persistant and rich man, id agree completly with you but i made this out of random cards that i had sittin around. sure its not winning any tourns but its hella fun especially if you get and early game lead with the shrine :)
old idea...personally i hate playing against an elf deck u seem to have a solid i dea least a place to start.
you know you need 2 more cards in youre sideboard right?
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