Not bad, but you need to look at adding: x2 : Crucible of fire - Dragons you control get +3 /+3 and x2 : Ruby Medallions - Red spells cost 1 less to play. I have a very similar devour deck, but multi color
you could go with some animate wall, that way they can attack and wakestone gargoyles i believe is the other that allows defender creatures to attack.
I would recommend Ruby Medallion and crucible of fire. Also maybe a couple dragon fodders and predator dragons for devour.
Your Missing Rube Medallion. Trust me, its worth it.
You HAVE to get Rosheen Meander'er in there, he give you an extra 4 land for and spell with "X"
Dragons and Direct damage would work well together, I would recomment taking out the dragonstorm and dragon roost, Problem with those two cards is that they cost so damn much, if you get them early in the game you are more likely to discard them than to play them, Throw in some book burnings, they are amusing to tick people off.
You want to really piss off you opponents Get a mox Lotus (add infinity to your manapool) Ironically its not banned or restricted, its just not typically played.
I have won many times with this deck- Dragons you use are up to you, but absolute musts in this are: Ruby Medallion - Red spells cost 1 less to play Crucible of fire - Dragons get +3/+3 Steely Resolve - Creature type (dragons) cannot be the target of spells or abilities Soul Net - Tap 1 land, Gain 1 life for a creature hitting the graveyard ( Gain life for Devoured Creatures)