Thanks for the ideas! I have seen Traumatize in action and I would love to have a few in my deck, but I can't get anyone to come off the ones they have! I will definatly have to look for Painters Servent to put into the deck. Thanks for the comments guys!
I would say toss in Raging Goblin and Goblin Offensive just to spice it up a little bit. Overall the deck looks pretty good.
Thanks for the comments guys! As for the one ofs, Fists of the Anvil kinda goes along with Blood Lust, as in I only had 3 and wanted four, so had to make it up somewhere, lol. Reins of Power I thought would be a really good idea, and since Reins of Power works if they have no creatures as well, it still serves its purpose.
Not bad! It seems very quick and effective!
The deck doesn't really focus on giving me life, moreover, it's just in there so I can maintain against creature attacks if they can even get them out.
Thanks rileyandholly88! I've been playing Magic since Revised hit the stands (which by no means makes me an expert or a grand player, lol) and got rid of my collection a while ago. I just recently got back into the game (I've got friends now that actually play) so I had to swipe what was left of my collection back from my brother. I'm going to put some of my older decks up here within the next few days, and I'd really like your comments on those too. :D
Yea, but my collection of cards is small, so this is what I had to work with. It took me forever to break it down that far, lol!