I've been playing around with this deck since earlier December before it took off. I was never a fan of the processor version. With Oath coming this is my new list that I am thinking of running. Just looking for any advice and possible help with mana base. is 23 lands enough? Do i have the correct amounts of colors. ty
Deck performs well. Looking for some recomendations that i might be missing. Revalation seems to slow. Misty rainforest is in deck because i own to of them, if not i would run 4 tarns
I have been brewing with this deck for awhile. There have been a couple decks featuring Zur the Enchanter floating around but none really caught on. As I enjoy playing UR Delver, i wanted to push more towards a tempo style Zur. Since adding the Snapcaster Mages and counter magic including Vapor Snag and spells out of my SB the deck has become more consistent. I have many favorable matchups including Jund which seems to be everywhere. My worst match ups are from Affinity and Merfolk.
ive been looking for more threats. sometimes Zur is just a removal eater and i win with geist. i like the thought of maybe a 1 of for sun titan. maybe 2x V-Clique's
U can put counters on soul's (unblockable)