Finding room for another training grounds probably couldn't hurt either. You could drop a cryptic gateway for that one
with all the come in tapped lands I would suggest probably two amulet of vigor. You could probably get away with dropping a quicksilver amulet for one of them and that should put you at 60.
Maelstrom Nexus feels like it could be pretty useless here... It may just be me, but I feel like you'll reach a point where you stop playing creatures, and even if you don't stop playing them you won't be able to play your cascaded dragon. Example of my thought: Turn whatever: NexusNext turn: Oros-----Cascade into Scion... MaybeOn another note not quite the same as that, is putting dragons out by Gateway or Arch considered 'casting' them? I'm not certain on the rules there, I'm legitimately curious though. And if it is casting, you couldn't cascade into another fatty because the cascaded card has to cost less. And say you get more than one big dragon on the field, you reach a point where you can't really use scion at all, since making him into a copy of another dragon you have on the field would cause one to die. These thoughts may be completely irrelevant to what actually goes on here, but I know when I played a lot of casual games with my friends only having two to three flying fat dudes on the field wasn't enough to do anything worthwhile.Sorry about the long post, and I hope it was coherent.
I haven't play tested this exact list but I've tested one very similar. It's surprisingly not as bad as you would think.
true, I just let it slide lol. But I felt a lot the same way about domri at first, I just don't really like the way she feels at all.
Yeah, I think you're about right there
Thanks, I really appreciate that. I've made a lot of list changes on here throughout the day off of the suggestions and I think you have some really solid points
I like the Cerberus, but running it also kills scavenging ooze past turn 5 (if Cerberus gets played then)
True, I love Return as well.
True, Bile Blight basically kills most of my little guys on the spot. However, really the only losses suffered from Bile Blight are the mana dorks and burning-tree. Pack Rat and Scavenging Ooze can both avoid it. I see your point though. I'll make a few add-ins.
Honestly, I while building the deck I didn't think much of fly protection in the mainboard. however, I feel like I have SB answers to things such as stormbreath if spot removal doesn't take care of him
Thanks for the ideas everyone!
I did initially have xenagos in for his ramp ability, making tokens is nice, but having the capability to essentially play for free is really nice. Looking at it in Modern's view, I think I like Domri in the main and I'll keep a walker xenagos in the sideboard.
I could see your point with Mortars. My suggestion, if you wanted to, would be to cut a sideboard card to side in an extra one. It makes sense though, I think, to only run one if you wanted to get it in.
Yeah, I can dig your look for bones. I really think those additions would help you out. It'll really help, I think, in dealing with some of the more aggro looks you'll find. And anything you can do to stop blue devotion is good, lol
Right, and i do apologize, but i may have just suggested underworld on another deck of yours, so just ignore that :pAnyway, yeah, I guess I dig what you want to do with counterflux, I see your point there. and for thoughtseize, if you think it'll feed what you want, i would go to 3 mortars and 3 bones to place two thoughtseize in. Other than that I can't exactly think of anywhere else you could put it unless you cut a peak eruption or negate from the sideboard to board it in.
I like the look of this one, however, running any combination of W/B I think Sin Collector is a better choice than lifebane zombie. Especially in this set where (at least where i've played) there's a lot of hate and counter magic. And, I'm not sure how you would rather play it, but for me Underworld Connections is always a better play than read the bones. Sure, if you use it more, you would lose more life, but I don't think you would ever necessarily enter a situation where that would occur. If you're running it for pyromancer, though, I suppose it makes a bit more sense. Good look overall, though
Nah man, I put mine up a few days previous. I saw yours and then thought I would ask what you thought, considering I gave you a suggestion or two. lol
I apologize if I repeat anything anyone else has said, but I think I would drop a doom blade and an ultimate price (or two price) from the sideboard and add in dark betrayal for black hate. Also, personally I prefer Underworld connections over read the bones. Other than that, I like the look of this deck. I think the use of chandra's 0 ability in this deck could be fun.
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