A fun combo with crypt rats is use Basilisk Collar. Gain a lot of life and wipe the board.
I was using glorious anthem for master waves. Bounce him and create a bunch of 1/0 without them dying. Most of the cards you mentioned I have or had them in this deck at one time or another. I see those cards every week in EDH decks. I was trying to come up with something new, and still be competitive. Thank you for the time you took. I like the idea of switching and using a bunch of two drops I knew the mana curve was too high. And I forgot about kismet I know that will be a good addition and godhead of awe I had not heard of. I will definitely be finding. You have put me back on the right track. I was changing this deck so much and was too close to see what I needed. Thank you.
Not unlimited budget. But I can spend some money if I don't have the cards.
I have this built, but something is off. I would like to make this a competitive deck for a competition. I have not played it in actual games yet. Only drawn practice hands.
Great deck. I have a similar one, but I use Vorel of the Hull Clade as my commander. Swinging out with a 96/96 krasis is very fun.
It looks like fun. This is a deck I would use. :-)
My favorite goblin of all times is the goblin balloon brigade.