i did something similar with my mono green before, but i played Rhys the redeemed, that way the turn after you drop howl of the nightpack, you tap rhys and double your tokens.
thanks for the tip, grabbed one of the umbrals from my box and picked another up today at goodgames. i can use it slightly differently to yours as in my post below. think it will still cause some mayhem though
quick query, can anyone see some mana acceleration i can bring to this? safewright quest and farhaven elf are nice. any land subs that might make it brutal?
ja the mine mine mine is just there as a joke card , a pair of umbrals could make this much more fun. tapping rhys with his mana cost to double the tokens, will stack xxx onto Devoted Druid, which i can then tap for the mana, and untap rhys, and then tap again and then ... oh my.