Very good starter
I know you accidentally listed it up but i can tell this is going to be a good deck :)
dang now I want this deck
Nice deck idea.
Have you considered adding Zombie Master to this?
Ok ya I understand then it would be a pain to try get him on the field if your running two colors.
I like this deck I remember loosing to these sort of decks in standard all the time. One more card that I used to see in all these zombie decks that I don't see in yours is Geralf's messenger but with or without this card this is an awesome deck .
I remember when people used to play decks like these in standard all the time. Good deck.
sorry for not helping much one more card that i used to run in goblins that i think would be useful if your running krenko is Fervor.
i like this goblin deck i used to run goblins in standard have you considered adding goblin rally to this? and also arms dealer?
very nice i like it
i like all the cards you put in there and this deck would go really good in a two headed giant.
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