
208 Decks, 129 Comments, 28 Reputation

yeah i agree here. i think the battlements are maybe out of place. The only thing besides that is the lack of permant removable and air defense. Other than that its a fun deck. I think one of the other guys did not understand that the myr's add to the juggernauts bonus. Though I think in place of the myr's there could be something different. I know its cuttign it close to lacking green mana but in additions to 4 mishra's you can get blinkmoth nexus's x2 or 4 depending on your green mana drawing. the blinmoth ar like mishras except they're actually flying and are 1/1 . also if you grab a gae's cradle land which gives you one G for each creature you control, that'll really speed things up once you get creatures up. You can also if you can afford it in the mana, get tolarian academy which adds one U for each artifact you control. some other ideas would be to maybe find a way to get a nevinryal's disk and darksteel forges in there to wipe the table whenever things are not going the way you like. I think its a fun deck, but I'd start off with utility lands like mishra's and blinkmoth and maybe a karakas for bounce and then work on replacing creatures.

the all angel deck i made has some of these lands in them.

Posted 15 January 2011 at 08:14 in reply to #115927 on Darksteel Mana Ramped


just had another idea thatll go with your deck. take out 4 forest and put in mishra's factory x4. The reason for this is that they themselves turn into artifacts if you pay one mana and they become 2/2 artifact creatures until end of turn. They better than mutas imo for this deck because of the second ability which is tap a mishra's and give a factory worker +1/+1 until end of turn . So you can start buffing them up if need be.

Posted 15 January 2011 at 02:27 as a comment on Darksteel Mana Ramped


err maybe for the walls put in a set of priest of tatania this way your archdruids will cover those elves and you wont have to replace the archdruids. the sol ring and manavault would work well with the juggernauts because they are both artifacts.

Posted 15 January 2011 at 02:12 in reply to #115897 on Darksteel Mana Ramped


pretty cool. maybe add sol ring and mana vault in place of two arch druids, or maybe two priest of titania for those two?

Posted 15 January 2011 at 02:09 as a comment on Darksteel Mana Ramped



Posted 15 January 2011 at 01:48 as a comment on flood of spawns


very cool lke the lotus stuff. Have you thought about switching out one or two for mana vault and sol ring also?

i made an angel recently as well.

Posted 05 December 2010 at 09:46 as a comment on Angels


Nice work

Posted 05 December 2010 at 02:48 as a comment on Enchantment Abuse


take out tormented angel and put in gaurdian seraph or 1x linvala and 2x gaurdian seraphs :)

Posted 04 December 2010 at 19:19 as a comment on Knights and Angels


pretty neat i made my deck not to long ago.

Posted 02 December 2010 at 19:54 as a comment on Angel Deck


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