I didn't realize Baleful Strix were $80 a playset, switching them out for Surveilling Sprite to keep the cost of the deck down.
Good call on Jace's Erasure!
Thanks for commenting on my Cipher deck! I see what you mean by it maybe being too focused lol. I think the deck is too vunerable to to cheap global wipe effects. I found Last Thoughts to be to slow so i'd switch them out for Curiosity and I don't think you need a playset of Mental Vapors.I know you wanted to focus on unblockables but dropping a couple for some Basilica Screechers would really let you benefit from all the free spells you would be getting off with Cipher.
That's what i figured the ghoultrees would counter, although i think i will playtest them both.
Both great suggestions, although i found the Boneyard Wurms and Splinterfright to effectively be cheaper Golgari Cave Trolls and yes they don't have dredge or regenerate but that's what the Golgari Thugs are for, dredge+graveyard return. Jarad i will sidedeck for now.
skatejester said it all nicely. Don't get me wrong, i love mill decks and those are all great mill cards (Mind Funeral is my all time favourite) but i was looking for cheap instant mill to just get the combo started and i wanted to try something different. Feel free to check out any of my other mill decks.
Might want to switch out some Lord of the Undead for Lich Lord of Unx. With a playset of Ghoulcaller's Chant you should be fine on graveyard creature return and you don't really need too much extra buff after the Diregraf Captains. In return you get a tap ability for extra zombies and a nontap ability to nuke AND mill your opponent. I'd also even the mana balance out and replace the gates for Drowned Catacombs and drop at least 2 of the Zombie Apoc for Endless Ranks of the Dead.