lol man, congratz, you've always been actively making crazy decks (some killer stompy decks) and heres hopin you'll continue to do just that, cheers!
Great deck, but would you possibly replace Goblin Guide with some other (possibly Goblin Bushwhacker) seeing as 4 Goblin Guides adds $40 to a $10 deck? If you read this comment plz respond, I'm seriously considering buying this deck, but I may need to find something different than Goblin Guide
maybe im a n00b for saying this, and i kno u made this for z challenge, but if its a defender deck how r u supposed to win when u can't attack?
seems like an excelent deck, now i just have to get the cards :)
Personally, I thought that the cards he included here ran rather easily. To be able to play a strong rainbow deck, you need to know the make-up of your deck, and have the foresight to play whatever mana that will be most important. The need for this second part has been eliminated by including cards that give you options adding whatever color mana you want, or even multiple colors at once.
looks interesting
you realize including 4 Black lotus's instantly makes this deck $8000?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Very good deck, a lot of fun to play, plus the priceless reaction from the opponent when you get down big cards so easily. But i seem to have trouble against counter decks, mind control decks, and burn decks, and speed decks, but other than that it works so well.
EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! u def get a +1 for this, i got 2 go see where i can buy these cards :)
i tried 9 duels with this deck and i pulled off the combo twice, and the looks on my opponenets' face were priceless!!!!!! :-)