In your case that's probably a fair assessment, I normally play mono white clerics so I don't usually run into that issue.
Soul Warden may be nice for this deck (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.) punish your opp for playing creatures along with vito's ability and youll gain from your on drops. Maybe Survival Cache over Revitalize. It's a sorcery and for 1 mana more you gain 2 life and draw a card (if you have more life then Opponent) which you should, but it rebounds and does it again for free on your next upkeep netting you 4 life and 2 cards.
Thanks for the wonderful write up! the second version of my werewolf deck has a lot of the cards you mentioned. I think I might just meld both together based on your feed back and make a pauper/peasant deck out of the remnants.
Hey thanks for the card advice!, I think the original thought process behind the fetches was getting as many lands as possible to pay for the big creatures abilities early on and flash back on spider spawning.
yeah that is rough, only thing i can thing of is Serra's Liturgy but it only deals with artifacts and enchantments
Love this deck its tons of fun.
It's been a long time since i posted around here but thanks for the comment. im glad you enjoyed it, i wanted to keep it fun simple and affordable. Something i thought stayed true to what green was all about.
Thanks for the input! definitely should had some in for that extra protection.
Thanks for the input! Tomb of the Spirit Dragon is awesome i run a set in my myr deck, totally wouldn't be apposed to adding some to this for sure. As well as the other cards you mentioned i think they'd be nuts in this deck!
thanks for the input! id love to revisit this deck and make some updates eventually.
i hear you haha i believe when i originally made this deck i used what i had on hand, maybe one day though ill revisit and update.
haha its a very beginner friendly deck. super fun to play for shits and gigs and believe it or not has one off the back of rancor quiet a few times.
Carrion Feeder is a nice zombie as long as you have the mana you can keep feeding gravecrawler to him. Unholy Grotto is also a decent land for zombies.
What would you suggest i drop the third one for? think maybe 2 archive traps if i find something else to drop?
[Wild Pair] is a nice card if you manage to hard cast a dragon you can get a freebie. [Prismatic Omen] makes it a bit easier to hard cast Along with [Fist of Suns]. and [Defense of the Heart] is nice if your Opponent gets a head start on you in creatures gives you two dragons for free. Also [Elvish Piper] is a sneak big baddies in the back door staple. [Sarkhan Unbroken] was pretty cool i ran him in a dragon commander and managed to get his last ability off once ([Scion of the Ur-Dragon] was my commander).
ahhh must've did that by mistake thought i tagged it Golgari* but thank you :D
Thanks for the input! :D love the idea's i didn't even think of white like that it deff opens up some more shenanigans. I was also thinking a red shell for some flashbacks maybe make this control/burn.