I'm a Level 1 as well, and have conferred with 2-3's in my area but also on the judge site as well and 90% allow his ability to work With chain veilNot Infallible, but they are the leading source as they directly work with DCI and top tier judges being level 4 and 5's
the Podcast are the judges that do the Official FAQ......
Do me a favor bro..... look up original Duel lands and read the text, it specifically says anything that would effect lets say Forest/Mountains will also Effect this card....Farseek CAN search for Temple garden, Steam Vents, and other shock lands because their Land TYPES include Forest in them, the NAME of the card is irrelevant.....The same goes for Nissa, she can untap Shocks all day long, same as any Basic land ForestI'm only a Level 1 judge, but i can gladly show a level 3 or higher saying the same exact thing
Actually he's Wrong, if you read the official FAQ and listen to the judge podcast they actually reference this guys ability with Chain Veil, and yes, one red will give you more then one activation with Chain VeilHere is the Podcast link to the FAQ Judges, just listen and they will explain it broken down for you...... Also they will break down some other neat stuff..... like the fact chain veil activates on NEW planeswalkers that are put onto the field even after you use its ability talk about the Chain Veil at about 15minutes..... and Kurkesh Is right after the Chain Veil