Don't just throw cards in a deck cause they look cool or they are super big or whatever. Mistakes made by noobs. And since you're using cards this old I have to assume you've been playing for awhile but clearly loose quitell often
Time to feed. Also, don't know why the fuck you put that in your sideboard. It's also trash. Dude please learn basic deck building skills/strategies before you publish a Terra bad deck. The tribal idea is cool. But you completely missed the mark. This deck is garbage. I could make a better deck for 20$
Ooooooh northern warlord, the general public is genuinely terrified of you fyi. I mean, some guy on an mtg site saying that they'll have to mess with you first? You got god shaking in his boots you're so scary!
Also, why not have 4 Trias sic eggs in the actual deck? It's an underrated card and I'm not sure why. You could potentially summon a 13 cost card for next to nothing. Dude... do you even know how to play magic??
Dude.. why in the hell would you put fossil find in this deck? It's a terrible fucking card. R/g put card from graveyard back into hand at random? That's trash! Way better options that actually let you pick. Your deck building skills are lacking strategy all through out. Study up and playtest before you publish it because some dumb idiots actually buy before they try and then you'll have angry net Deckers telling you off for publishing a trash deck
Vaan104, having 1 copy of a card in a deck is like asking for someone to beat you. CONSISTENCY IS FUCKING VERY IMPORTANT AND I'M CONFUSED WHY PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS SIMPLE MECHANIC
Hydranianknighttamer... dude really? If you're that insecure about your mtg decks then I'm going to tell you right now, they aren't good and you need to learn the game better. Do your research, have a plan of attack when it comes to creating the basis and type of deck you're looking to make. Understand what your cards do and what would match up well with said card depending on the type you're making ( mill/aggro/combo etc. ) don't be that annoying scrub asking everyone for tips and to look at your decks so they can just tell you the cards they think would be best. You need to learn on your own not to only be a better deck builder. But a better player in general. Don't know what your cards do or how your deck works then either start studying or stop playing, straight up.
If you updated it on here then it's still trash. Sorry not sorry.
Take this advice and please PLEASE remember and use it if you ever want to make an effective deck. Very rarely will you ever want 1 copy of a card in your deck. You need consistency, which this deck has none of. And 2 really read your cards and have an idea in mind of what you're trying to achieve before just throwing random cards in because you think they look cool or whatever. This deck was not thought out at all. And 3. MAKE A DAMP SIDEBOARD! a deck is damn near worthless without one. You need it for whatever situation you may encounter. I give this deck a 3/10. Some of the cards are okay but it just wouldn't work well at all. Expect to lose a lot with thism