is not accurate with the standard format and m15 is not in standard
this will get us no where, ask a judge
the mana symbol is not text and is not a color in text there for can not be changed
that's not something the card will change that's mana no a color
this is a good deck start but it needs to be cleaned up, for starters its too slow for standard right now I mean cause sure you can use creature ramp but if they kill it before you can use it then what. there are a few cards that don't seem to useful for starters stoke the flames is a good card but most of your creatures are big and your not likely to get a lot of them out in time even if you do your most likely taping a big creature which leaves you vulnerable since the deck isn't likely to keep a lot of creatures on the field, another card that that doesn't seem to do much is crucible of fire I mean sure they get +3/+3 but for that cost you could play another dragon, I would recommend that you use some prowess like monastery swiftspear to get better use of your Avaricious Dragon and all your removal, seismic rupture might be a good main or sideboard card for removal, but my main recommendation is get id of the mana ramp all together (dragonlord's servant and generator servant) and instead try and get creatures into play while you wait to play your dragon either get damage in before they get a decent blocker or build up some defense to protect yourself from enemy attacks
fair enough was just throwing it out there wasn't sure if this was a deck your actualy making or just designing a deck online
you might look into phyrexian dreadnaught 1 drop 12/12 artifact creature that can kill its self by coming into play
i like using Jalira, Master Polymorphist with world spine worm being the only other creature in the deck cause just keep sacrificing world spine 3 more 5/5s and he comes right back
I actually had this concept too your just having problems with execution
I recommend adding red and archetype of aggression, chained to the rock,arcbound, Dromoka the Eternal ,staunch hearted hero, ordeal of nylea and ordeal of phosphorus. get rid of anthousaand reduce the number on you other cards I usually only use 4 copy's if they are vital to the deck, not just good 3 copy's for good 2 copy's for nice but never really 1 copy and you don't need dual lands as long you balance your land right unless your splashing a color 8 forests, 8 plains,and 7 mountain should do it or if you don't want to add red I suggest 12 forests and 11 plains, obelisk of urd is not very useful for a non token spam deck
you might consider "Dragonrage" if you get a good deal of creatures you can use the mana to cast burn spells and pump them up with the extra
very true
fair enough
happy birthday, on another note you cant make other players concede by taking control of their turnbut you can practically make them rage quit if you can get bringer of the white dawn into play cause then you can infinitely take control of there turn
try cradle of vitality
And she didn't seem to great in here cause they are mostly 3 costs
I had her in here I am deciding if I want it modern or not
I went with mana tithe for control
Thx for the tip
I suggest circling vultures
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