
1 Deck, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thinking about it some more, the new Ajani seems like it would be interesting in this type of deck as well.
The counters would not fall off of Glint Hawk Idol or Chimeric Mass (...right?) and double strike on a Homicidal Seclusion buffed creature seems like it would be nice.

Posted 22 July 2012 at 01:14 as a comment on Homicidal


Took your deck and tuned it to what I had on hand and while I haven't had a chance to play it yet, I'm looking forward to it.

-2 Gideon Jura (Don't have any and am dubious about getting any so close to rotation)

-4 Inkmoth Nexus (Same as above)

-1 Terminus (The inclusion of Lich makes this card worse)

-4 Isolated Chapel (Don't have any and I've got other dual lands on my list to get first. I do plan on getting a playset once I've filled out my other decks)

+4 Phylactery Lich (I know he is pretty terrible but I got a playset of him out of the pre-release and release events and this deck is the only one that has that critical mass of artifacts that might make him less terrible. 5/5 for BBB that might turn into a 8/6 lifelink and take it out of dismember range is not a bad theory on paper.)

+4 Trading Post (Another card I got 4 of and wanted to play with, it also seems to interact well with wanting to have precise control of your creatures on table. It also allows you to manage your hand and has good synergy with all your artifacts.)

+1-4 Buried Ruin (Have them, have lots of artifacts and a sac outlet for them. It's a thought. Might just be a sideboard card. Need to test it mainboard as a replacement for the Isolated Chapels with 9 plains and 11 swamps.)

Currently have 65 and have yet to decide the cuts/sideboarded cards.

Might be running less than 4 Trading Posts, might be moving Lingering Souls to the sideboard although I am less thrilled with that idea. Maybe moving around O-rings or removal but also not sure about that.

Otherwise, I have yet to construct the rest of the sideboard.

Posted 21 July 2012 at 22:29 as a comment on Homicidal
