Howl of the Night Pack instead of fable of the wolf?
Cool deck! Sorta tried to do something along these lines but I think you did it better probably haha
Maybe add some bigger cards that have affinity for artifacts so you have a slightly higher chance of winning?
Okay so maybe try to cut back on creatures some? Also, if it were me, I would probably wanna add more 1 drops because you'll wanna be able to play something on turn 1 and only having 4 isn't that reliable. Just a thought :)
maybe take out exploration to make it modern legal? Just a thought
thanks fam!
The idea behind the amulet was to get my lands coming in untapped with most of the mill. The orb is just there to put me at an advantage.
@zaklax I asked for advice lol. That post wasn't helpful whatsoever. Its modern legal, so it is justifyable to tag it as modern. Advice is always welcome, but there isn't much point to be posting something like that. Obviously its suppoused to be just a fun modern deck(non-competitive), or else it would be a much higher dollar amount.
Bruh even if it was in the budget, the deck doesnt run all of its colors...
Cool deck! I would think there would be something better you could sub for fusion elemental? Idk I could be mistaken
Ah gotcha. Well even with that being said, the Captain's ability still makes it better in my opinion
I would get rid of steel wall and replace with Perimeter Captain if I were you.
Haha dang it. I was just considering making a deck like this and then someone beat me to it
Yeah sure, good thinking. Ill consider it, thanks!
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