I think You didn't quite catch what I was pitching. Why Is Oblivion sower in the deck is what I was getting at.
Unsure why You plan on letting your opponent get to turn 6. :) Red decks are usually designed to do 20 damage. GG son.
One card that I am in love with when it comes to eldrazi-based decks is Spatial Contortion.
A sweet random Card that makes your guys not terrible if you need combat could be the mimic guy.That way you can have your servo's come in as 2/2 etc.
And now I'm seeing he is in there as a one of... Guess I overlooked him. Lol.
I think you should drop the white god for the green god; I played fnm vs this kind of cat deck. The ability to pump your double strikers and life linkers pushes the deck over the top.
Mishra's Baubles are sweet because They are 0 CMC
You are missing a few cards bud.
Swap Out The archer for Beral ;)
Miracle only matters if it is the FIrst card you drew on any given turn.
I built it and played it in real life. Very High Risk/High Reward; You get wipe their lands, but some times they have a threat on board before that happens. I.E. Goyf, bob, smiter etc. When you when it is pretty sweet, because your opponent doesn't have anything on their side of the board.
Thanks :)
I have been playing this online for some time now, I run 8 fetches and more creatures, less burn, won a lot of 8 mans. Don't need midnight guard . Also, should think about blade splicer and flicker wisp .
lololol. I <3 turbo fog. Have since dragon's maze's turbo fog maze's end deck.I took Bant Fog to game day for origins and went undefeated. http://www.mtgvault.com/turkishsauce/decks/dragons-hazy-day-turbofog/
I put the final version up here. May still need some editing imo. Any suggetions.
yeah this was the rough-draft. vortex is terrriibad after pretty extensive playtesting. turns out the deck is pretty good vs affinity, grixes, abzanCOCO, 5c goodstuff, really strong versus tron, but super loses to jund and blue moon.
Where is Sultai emmessary? He is perfect ;)
reminds me of when "Silence" was in standard. I would say the flavour text every time I cast it. -------"Take a moment to reflect on your sins." -----------
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