Thanks for the comment. It is on the lighter side for phenax mill decks(creaturewise) but I believe you have to have a balance of control to be able to effectively get to the point where you Can the draw to hit what you need. so I traded those slots for some removal and draw mechanics.
By which I mean no one runs graveyard hate in their sb anymore
Good point, but elixir of immortality would be a better fit, due to the fact that I can return all my cards before they exile them. However, take into account that no one is running reanimator in standard. This is a rogue deck, and therefore it has that surprise factor
Thanks first off for the compliment. However, as far as Ashen Rider is concerned, I consider him a staple. It in between the Temple Gardens, Godless Shrines, Voyaging Satyr, and Sylvan Caryatids, I've never had a problem getting him out. Never. In addition, he usually doesn't have to be cast-it is reanimator after all. Take into account as well that in the early game, if it looks like your going to need to hard cast a bigger creature, you can pick and choose with Satyr Wayfinder the kind of land you need. Commune with the Gods also allows you to grab the mana dorks you need.I'd also like to point out that his death trigger is hugely significant-the synergy is what the deck revolves around. People may be able to throw a wrench in your plans but if they don't, the enter/death triggers of this deck will end the game quickly. If anything, I will probably end up taking out two swamps and adding two more Godless Shrines. Thanks again for the comment.
I haven't posted it up but yet but I've been looking at various reanimator decks running this kind of build. My B/G/W reanimator is nearly identical to this-with a few exceptions I'd like to put out there for you to consider:Replace commune with the gods with way finder satyr x4 from born of the gods. It's an early blocker and let's you keep your early land pulls. To make space for two of those, drop the abrupt decay. I say that because you need the slots and reanimator, especially game 1, is all about exploiting the mechanic. Your creature can be your removal/answers(shadowborn demon, rider, ravager, primordial).. Drop Centaur healer for an extra obzedats aid. The deck also needs more ramp- dropping voice. To SB and putting in 3 voyaging satyr would be a big boost. You can also drop eater and jarad for two more champions, giving you more sources of reanimation. He's important to because of his recycling ability, whereas if you mill put obzedats aid or rescue, you're screwed.. If replace archetype of endurance with another ashen rider or angel of serenity- the archetype is more sb for control. Last, elspeth is amazing but a lot of your reanimate in this deck can't hit her, and her most useful ability wipes you too- she more sb for dev green or selesnya-I'd use her slot for another removal such as the angel, rider, or maybe even an abhorrent overlord... Sounds dumb saying that but it does make sense. Like I said these are just suggestions I think of when I see it- I'm building the same thing. I think it definitely has it's merits in standard post BotG. Best of luck!