You may think about sowing salt for your tron matchup. From what I see you're running a pretty fast aggro deck that should not get outraced. I'd at least swap the verdicts with the remands. That should give you more of an edge since it should slow them down.
I don't like the verdicts. It seems counter active against the rest of your deck. I would drop that for the two remands from your board. Then play a couple copies of hate cards for affinity, infect, storm, etc. in the side board. Also, ensnaring bridge seems odd. I would replace those with a few more hate cards. You may want to consider working a couple fetches in place of some of the scars duals.
I would add 4x breeding pool, 4x hinterland harbor and remove 4x island, 4x forest. Your mana will be more consistant. Also, I would swap out fog banks for wall of tanglecord. Just a suggestion. Please comment on mine Thanks!
If your focus for the sky knight is the detention, you may wish to swap them for inaction injunction. 1U sorcery does the same thing and draws you a card. If you could also comment on my deck (might give yours a run for it's money) . I would appreciate it.
If you don't like spammers, you could just delete their comments. You have that authority since it's your deck. I must say I like the deck. I would probably drop the evolving wilds. You have plenty of sources of each color. I would drop that and one index for a couple think twice since you have no card draw at the moment.
Personally, I like think twice instead of thought scour. I would drop the worldfires for some counterspell backup. 4x chandra is just too many, I would play 2 maybe 3. I would probably change out the thunderous wraths for something like anihilating fires, otherwise you'd have to epic experiment for infinity mana. You might want to think about including cackling counterpart, triggers guttersnipe, copies snipe or electromancer. Also, I don't like hypersonic dragon. You may wish to include cyclonic rifts, nothing in your deck can currently deal with a lotleth troll or an 8/8 token from grove of the guardians. Just a few things to think about.
I might recommend changing out devil's play for volcanic geyser. You pay one more mana, but it is instant speed which is great for keeping your mana up to respond to threats. Also, instead of dreadbore which is spot removal and sorcery speed, you might try magma quake since it hits all creatures and planeswalkers (which you don't care about anyway) and it's instant speed. In addition, magma quake doesn't target, so it can hit geist of saint traft and other hexproof creatures. Rakdos charm is more of a sideboard card. Please comment on my deck Thanks!
That's actually 4 damage and 6 life loss with guttersnipe since you'd get triggers off of the bump and reverberate for guttersnipe, but bump is life loss not damage. Please feel free to comment on my standard control deck Thanks!
Goblin Electromancer gives you free syncopates and turns dissipate into counterspell. Also, the entire deck interacts with guttersnipe. No one thinks how powerful electromancer + guttersnipe + think twice can be. (end of your turn draw two, dome you for four)
Please look at my deck!
I know this is a silly question, but you're only splashing blue for snapcaster? I would either recommend adding in thought scours for some card draw / mill on your opponent, or cut the blue and add red for pillar of flame and red suns zenith. Your deck has outstanding removal, but will start to lag behind undying as you'll have to burn two spells to rid yourself of that pesky geralf's messanger. Just a thought. Also, any input on my deck would be appreciated!
I would go for the strait kill. Drop the 3x Reapers for 3x sun titan. Drop the 4x Disciples for 4x Falkenrath Torturer's. Also, Drop the 2x Archon and 2x Royal Assassin for 4x Blood artist. I'd also think about changing the doom blades for Go for the Throat. I like the current build, but the curve is so high without having much low end removal. Just a thought.