I would switch the numbers around on the o-rings and pacifism put the 4 sunlance i nsb for 2 stuffy and 2 whispersilkcloaks main. drop one temporal issolation for a 4 pariah. sb for me would be 4 sunlance 2 whispersilk cloaks 1 stuffy 2 gustcloak cavaliers 3 forbidding watch towers 3 cribswap
I have a standard deck very close to this but I went wiht mad aunties and boggart harbingers with the 2 wort you wont really need the birth rights. I also dumped the fodder cannons for nameless inversion yes I realize they ar not exactly goblins but they are changlings. So harbinger can go get you one when you need them. If you really want t ouse fodder real bad I would drop incinerate for the inversions. Dont forget to look at the sweet possibilities of the boggart mobs I run two of them.
I would get rid of tundra wolves and go with martyr of sands. nothing like just gaining a ton of life to start of a match right. Loxodon is a bit slow it depends on if you have any of these or not but I would put pithing needle i nthere so you can stop his activated ability rebels. I would also pull the lions out and go with wrath incase you lose control of the game you can just hit reset and start over.
I would use the soulstoke even if he was just in your sideboard with maybe he could sit there with nova chaser or hostility