
53 Decks, 82 Comments, 0 Reputation

i was thinking of putting this together
but having lightning bolts and galvanic blasts in there lowers your likelyness to draw a creature
also, id take out 4 ornithoptars for the stoneforge mystics
and take out 4 galvanic blasts for kor outfitters
in that case u can search up an armor, put it into play, both with mystic
and equipt it with the outfitter
and not have to rely on quest
also id only run 20 lands

Posted 22 November 2010 at 03:47 as a comment on W/R Quest type 2


thanks man.
i suggest adding a fourth wall over a third gideon
also, earthquake has rocked sideboard agianst turboland and such

Posted 11 July 2010 at 13:08 in reply to #72726 on cunning conscription


looks good,
would do well against plainswalkers.
maybe balll lightning over hellion
maybe thornling or zendikar shrine expedition
just throwin ideas out

Posted 19 June 2010 at 20:34 as a comment on Standard Haste


u dont need that many borderland rangers.
ur mana cost is a little high to get vengevine back by anythin other than bloodbraid
id take out the nighthawks and sparkmages for some 2 drops like nest invader or lotus cobra
maybe even birds of paradise
this deck would be good with eldrazi monument as well, and bloodbraid cant cascade into it so thats a plus

Posted 19 June 2010 at 20:30 as a comment on VENGEVINE THE MAD


joraga treespeeker.
u can level it up on turn two and still cast nest invader

Posted 16 June 2010 at 00:29 as a comment on Fast Red Green Eldrazi


another cool thing with omnath is bear umbra
doubles how much you get every turn

Posted 15 June 2010 at 01:17 as a comment on Elf Omnath


basilisk collar over gorgon flail
cunning sparmage!

Posted 08 May 2010 at 10:26 as a comment on Planeswalking



Posted 04 May 2010 at 18:51 as a comment on devastating redish


omnath with bear umbra is fun.
4 archdruids?
need more than 19 lands
drop greenweaver druid for the ROE leveler
llanowar elves
2x garruk
3x nissa

Posted 04 May 2010 at 11:53 as a comment on heavyhitter type2


and day of judgement...
eldrazi monument?
sideboard it maybe

Posted 04 May 2010 at 11:35 as a comment on Hellion Overrun


spawnshire means from ur sideboard in technical terms. but yes i understand.

Posted 29 April 2010 at 18:20 as a comment on infinite mana standard UW control


skyfisher can bounce itself, not lands, making u be able to bringback vengevine
knights with sejiri steppe is a protection thing, but yes thoctar is faster maybe

Posted 29 April 2010 at 12:29 as a comment on Naya Venge (Contest)


this deck atually looks super fun to play.
mill yourself and have like 15 vengevines in ur graveyard.
but bojuka bog is a mean card
relic of progenitus
anything removing graveyard would hurt any vengvine deck, but urs will have a lot in ur graveyard and be screwded

Posted 29 April 2010 at 12:27 as a comment on Vengevine power LOL


yesterday, I played a 3 game match against a White Weenie, stoneforge toolbox deck and against a Mythic Bant exalted deck.

White Weenie:
game 1, pre sideboard
got blown out by 2 honor of the pures, and elspeth, a steppe lynx, and just a fast hand
sideboarded in 2 qasali pridemage and a goblin guide
took out 1 dauntless escort, 1 vengevine, 1 ranger

game 2, i won with a baneslayer and a control style game. Having a path and a bolt in my draw helped

game 3, i lost with a qasali killing an honor of the pure, but I didnt think he was running day of jedgement and i got recked

mythic bant i won all three games. I saved my removal for Rafiq, sideboarded in qasali for finest hour and put in a elspeth cuz i didnt need the escort.
MYTHIC- WIN :) yay

Posted 29 April 2010 at 12:14 as a comment on boss naya vengevine


sgt thundercunt is an idiot.
the 1 ofs are cuz u can tutor for them with ranger and stoneforge.
id drop 1 student of warfare for another nacatl and try to smooth out ur mana curve. 11 cards at 4 mana is sketch... idk this deck will be the best deck in coming months.
3 paths?

Posted 28 April 2010 at 11:34 as a comment on Naya Vengeance


kay so i played a little against naya lightsaberish
preboard i got blown out by thoctar by turn 5
game to (also before sideboarding) i won due to a resolved and alive knight of the rel.
game 3 (before sideboarding) I lost, but it was entirely a misplay on my part, Me having pathed a thoctar DURING MY OWN TURN
which allowed him to play baneslayer the next turn and I had no flyers on the board
so it was 1-1 and a misplay loss
post board
he took out 3 path, 2 bolt, and 1 ajani, putting him to 2 ajanis. 0 paths, 2 bolts
he put in 3 ruinblasters, 3 purges

I put in 4 purges, 2 firewalkers, 2 elspeth
I took out 2 ranger, 2 nacatl, 1 scute mob, 1 bolt i think

game 1 i got mana screwed, had to discard a card on turn 3 cuz i had too many in hand
(I discarded vengevine)
turn 4 i got a basic and played bloodbraid... INTO KNIGHT OF THE REL!
which brought bak the vengevine.
vengevine attacked opponent and bloodbraid killed his ajani he was tapped out for.
knight was pathed, but vengevine and elf ended it quick... WIN

game 2 i drew my sejiri steppe and had to playu it, so my knight was worse, but he still was a 5/5 for 3.
I got ruinblastered and a heirarch got killer
he played a baneslayer and I was on 3 mana, I pathed it, played a land, bloodbraided into a bolt at him, he then bolted my bloodbraid, played another banelsayer and i scooped... LOSS

game 3 i kept a 2 land hand with a noble that thankfully wasnt killed. I got a land, bloodbraided into a noble, played a baneslayer that got pathed, played a vengevine that got pathed, but in responce I bolted it. then i played a ranger for mob and smashed... WIN

game 4 i destroyed!... turn 1 noble, turn 2 knight. turn 3 vengevine, turn 4 baneslayer, turn elspeth and smashed for like 8 in the air and 8 on the ground WIN

game 5... i dont wana talk about it. My notes on this game say "you rememember, that sucked" no comment LOSS

I won games 6 and 7 through some bloodbraid vengevine banslayer elspeth shenenigans... then we called it a day

Pre board, 1-2 lightsaber wins
post board- 5-3 vengevine wins

Posted 28 April 2010 at 11:03 as a comment on boss naya vengevine


yeah, but the point of vengevine is that he can die and come back, wich gigantoform cannot due
if u want to give him trample, your sledge will help. maybe tutor for the sledge with stoneforge?
maybe bant battlemage for trample

Posted 26 April 2010 at 21:38 as a comment on Vengevine Take 2


btw i like the sideboard a lot, id run qasali pridemage instead of giagantoform tho for the sake of basilisk collar, eldrazi monument, and any other funky artifacts

Posted 26 April 2010 at 20:55 as a comment on Vengevine Take 2


hyena umbra is one mana.
the first place at GP brussels trials mythic decks mana looked like this:
2 Celestial Colonnade
4 Forest
1 Island
4 Misty Rainforest
2 Plains
4 Seaside Citadel
2 Sejiri Steppe
2 Stirring Wildwood
4 Verdant Catacombs

it is a little excessive cuz his deck ran knight of the reliquary, but dual lands arent bad to have in the first place to help for mana stabalization, and the activated ability is a just incase you need the creature.
having a celestial collonade double strike flying above the opponent isnt a bad thing
also, what about rhox war monk

Posted 26 April 2010 at 20:53 as a comment on Vengevine Take 2


this deck is rad if u add kor skyfisher for additional multi creature action.
also, for the sake of the compitiotion, u dont have to keep it budget, so might as well throw in some manlands and zen. saclands
stirring wildwood
misty rainforest
celestial collonade, plus id play way more than 20 lands in a three color deck.
24 minimum
maybe a totem armor instead of the canopy cover.. spreading seas sideboard orinstead of negate

Posted 26 April 2010 at 20:27 as a comment on Vengevine Take 2


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