Played FNM 5/1/15
a lot of abzan decks recently have been playing without it. He posted this list for me to check out and we're going to be trying it without caryatid. It's more control. like Dan Musser's deck from the SCG Open.Playing end hostilities and ugin kinda makes you shy away from stuff that gets swept up under it. Also, when you're playing tasigur you want ALL of your cards to be high impact on the chance you get to activate his ability. you can see Dan Musser's deck here:
This was Gerard Fabiano's winning list from SCG DC. I just put it up for reference but we had talked about taigam's scheming in the Grixis deck i also have up as i'm obviously not playing blue. I think wayfinder is really good at enabling, and generally you want to have as much stuff in there as possible for the delve cards but i see how wayfinder may be good. I think the one of rakshasa's was just a brew he had. I do like Taigam's scheming tho.My brother is big on reality shift in some of the UW control decks as a kill spell but when you're playing back you generally have things covered there. I like the card tho.Monastery Siege is unbelievable. if you're playing blue give that card a's a link to the DC info:
steam augury became 4th DTT. Still not sure if i want to replace Jace with a 3rd Monastery Siege.
I want to play this one
22-24 lands wouldn't be good in a deck that's mostly 5 drops. To think you could get away with 22 is insane if you want to cast your stuff on time. Temple's are strictly better than the gain life lands. if you're going to be using Ugin, and paying for him, there's no reason not to pay for the temples. I'd be more comfortable running 6 fetches also. good luck. seems like it could be a fun deck but there are so many decks in the standard format that just tear this kind of stuff apart.
i challenge you to a dual
How's it playing so far?
SCG Baltimore Open Series 1st Place 08.24.13 -
all the one drops. The problem with Stromkirk is if you don't draw it in your opener it really isn't good. Cacklers fair. but i don't think at the cost of thundermaw or chandra or chandra's phoenix. I'd put Vexing Devil in for Loyalist, and if i was going to take out Phoenix. I'd play Reckoner at the 3 spot. The idea was really about a haste drop at every stop on the curve.
what the difference obi wan
have had some trouble hitting the second red source for hellrider and thundermaw. I'm not sure if maybe i should up the mountain and take out a forest...
all hail the dragon master
yeah DoD seems really good here.
i think maybe a sideboard card, bonescythe gives me the double strike end of it, if it works out of course. But it could be good in the side for control and when i can't hit bonescythe. I see what you're saying tho, not sure if i need 3 courages but i didnt put the trample sliver in so this would get me there. Courage is a fucker
yeah i think friday i'm either taking a slivers list if we have the cards or back to RUSH
yeah i agree, i definitely want to test it out
Dragon Master G/R is a problem. Doom Blade and Putrefy isn't quite enough to take care of 4x Hellrider and 4x Thundermaw
i think I'd rather have Bonescythe in over hive stirrings, i don't have any 4 drops at the curve and 3 bonescythe gives me 30 creatures to hit with Domri. Domri is a beast in most games.
i wasn't sure how to treat this deck with lands. I'm not sure i could run 20 but 24 may be too many. Mutavault seems amazing tho
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