this deck looks awesome, but idk if 4 Liliana's is particularly necessary... 2 or 3 will suffice with the diabolic tutors. Find another way to search your deck maybe?
Well, i think that you need a few creatures. Against faster decks you will be dead in no time with no protection. My advice is to take out Painful Quandary and replace it with some creatures. If you are going to have creatures, you wont need Lightning bolt as much anymore so you can take that out. If your doing that might as well take out your mountains and replace 4 of them with Blackcleave Cliffs or Akoum Refuge. After a few test runs see if you actually like using Blightning. If not take it out for some creatures and take all your red mana out and put in swamps. Mono black. Some creatures you could use are Ghastlord of the Fugue, Hypnotic Specter, and Guul Draz Specter.