If i can get my hands on a wurmcoil he would be in for sure the geist were to play with but instead of a 4rth doj i am running a 3rd timely on the side along with a 2nd surgical, another nice trick i do is to image my snapcasters to take even more stuff back from my graveyard =D
Yeah Necropede wouldnt die if both hands of the praetors and heartless is out because its still a 1/1
I decided to toss them in the side for my next FNM i will let you know if i get any uses out of them thinking of tossing all for of my doomblades/go for the throats for 3 Dismembers and 3rd snapcaster mage what do you think?
Yeah i tossed in an Elesh Norn for a timely reinforcements after playing I realized i can just snap them back since i see them WAY to much with 3
As Lepellier stated above me the -1 and +1 cancel eachother out so throne of geth would solve this and add move poison power
Toying with the idea on dropping an o ring and timely for 2 geist of saint traft for something else i can take out with sun titan but not sure if i want to give up the life gain and removal..
After some play testing i agree i had lots of draw even when i didnt draw sphinx. I would run Elesh Norn but, i cant phantasmal image her so i think i am gonna try frost or grave.
i would run mirran crusader but he requires two white mana were blade only needs one to play also nice with the venser i am gonna drop one for a phantasmal image
If aggressive is your goal i would drop.. -2 ponder -2 snapcaster and add +2 blade splicer +2 sun titan the reason to drop snapcasters is you really only have dismember to bring back which costs 4 life to use and sun titan is to be able to bring everything back since all your swords and creatures are 3 drops.. Just my 2 cents
cool deck you would need to take out the dark rituals for modern play
Gut shot imo is a really good card in an infect deck with livewire lash because not only is it a manaless 2 poison it can also kill something in your way early game if your trying for a turn 2 win. just my 2 pennies =D otherwise i like it
rampage 2 means Chromium gets +2/+2 for each creature blocking him past the 1st one the ability is useless imo because very few people block the same creature with more than one.
I would suggest entomb you can turn one Iona, or Jin-Gitaxais with that one. also to help discard from your hand there is an imp that lets you discard to give him flying another awesome way to discard from your hand for cheap
I like all the bring back from the graveyard stuff but maybe i am blind, how do you intend to get stuff into the graveyard
41-54 of 54 items