Good stuff.
I'll definitely have Thoughseize in this, just made this for budgets sake. And would love a playset of Lilliana to throw in here as well. Thanks for the suggestions.
I've thought about it, need to do some more play testing.
Wow its like a party here glad you've got some good criticism and ideas from some good people here.
Okay sounds good
Yeah ill see what I can do
Fair enough, but the the whole deck is based around Hidden Strings and it being ciphered and triton tactics to untag 2 of your guys.
Google Blue/Black heroic in standard and it should bring up the links. np man
There are videos of the deck in action if you google or Youtube it. But I gotta get around for work now.
The necromancer is gonna go up in price so get him while he's like $1.50 cause this new set makes him super good.
Yep its on my page now, all cards are pivotal and can't really be substituted but it is a cheap fun deck to play. and against heavy creature decks it does very very well. and against board wipes the necromancer brings all your dead human creatures back as 2/2 zombies.
KK, the deck i made did really well at a big Grand Prix event and centers around heroic triggering and ciphering the card Hidden Strings. I added in your ashiok and hero's downfall.
So all these cards are cards you currently have? If thats the case ill add a few to the deck
Yeah, there is a few you can use. Im putting that u/b deck together on my page right now.
The biggest challenge with budget decks is that they often don't have a true game plan of attack. The best budget decks revolve around an ability or effect. Blue/Black is great for an heroic deck that could be built for probably $35 OR less. I'll post a deck on a page to give you some ideas. But good luck deck building in the future!
Throw in 2 chandra phoenix instead of the Dracogenius and you might be onto something
I would run a few Swarmyard lands mainboard insted of nykthos for game 1
Very true. I really just have Purphuros there as an alternate win condition and to give my opponent something else to consider d-sphering or getting rid of. Spike Jester would definitely be more efficient than Pack Rat for sure. I'm still trying to tweak it and see what really works and what slows me down. Thanks for the comment.
I made a few changes, thanks for the suggestions.
Made a few changes, took out the Fanatic and Gray Merchant and added 2 Mogis and 2 Devour Flesh. Depending on match-up i could potentially run Mogis Erebos and Purphoros in the same game against control.
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