
3 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation
Not exactly what I suggested but this is what I would get if i made an infect deck.

Posted 01 October 2012 at 03:35 as a comment on *INFECT*

Not exactly what I suggested but this is what I would get if i made an infect deck.

Posted 01 October 2012 at 03:03 as a comment on *INFECT*


I'd even take out the cantagion clasp and engine for 4 giant growths. they're cheaper and realisticlly will probably put more poison counters on opponents. I'd definitely have 4 blighted agents. turn 2 unblockable, turn 3 use some giant growths or a monsterous growth

Posted 01 October 2012 at 01:27 as a comment on *INFECT*


I think you should make it a blue and green deck, and with the black cards being gone you can fit in things like gigadrowse and boomerang. think of using green to buff your creatures and blue to make your creatures get past blockers.
I'd stick to the cheaper infect creatures, maybe a few expensive ones like the swarmlord, but late game you want to be casting big creature buff spells or things to tap blockers or return them to their owner's hands. As nice as having Cancel might be, i think you'd do better with more tap/return spells. consider Flood, Gigadrowse, and Boomerang.

Posted 01 October 2012 at 01:19 as a comment on *INFECT*


I also think viridian zealot is a better choice over acidic slime, it'd help your mana curve and you can still destroy artifacts or enchantments that come out after your creature.

Posted 04 June 2012 at 04:14 as a comment on Incredible Hulk


I think you want wild growth instead of abundant growth. abundant doesn't give you additional mana it just lets you tap your land for any mana color instead of what it already adds.

Posted 04 June 2012 at 04:06 as a comment on Incredible Hulk
