too true, that and bonfire of the damned, which would play well into this.
But I thought you couldn't gain life yourself, so it wouldn't work with Havoc Festival.
I thought of adding Boros Reckoner to the deck also. I think I just might have to.
Here is the deck I thought up on the spot. Work in progress, but I think it would be fun to try.
Something else you might want to consider that would make this deck way fun and also counter lifegain decks. Havoc Festival!Basically use your early game to get the life advantage and then play the Festival which will prevent life gain and then keep piling on the life loss on the opponent. Heck I think I might just have to build a deck around that. :)
The only reason I say Rancor is that giant growth gets you a one shot +3/+3 while Rancor persists. Combined with Armed // dangerous he can double hit with a delver on turn 3 for 10 damage. One more thing: this deck can't deal with board wipes such as Supreme Verdict, Mutilate, Bonfire of the Damned. I would remove the phytobursts and replace them with simic charms, remove the giant growths and replace them with Rancors. Put the skull cracks in the side board and put in unsummons. Simic charms and unsummon give you some protection against board wipes. The charm still gives you the option to pump a creature in case you need it, or make your delver hexproof if he is targeted.Also unsummon and the charm can be used offensively to toss back a baddy in the opponent's hand.
Rancor should be part of this deck. It will allow you to break through chump blockers.
I love it! Would love to see that in action.
It won't hurt to add a few mountains in the deck and therefore be able to flashback bump in the night.
Here is my version of Boros Battalions. stands up pretty well against most decks. I hope it can provide you with some inspiration.
Very effective. I would consider adding a couple of abrupt decays instead of the Skirsdag High Priests
Thank you all for the feedback. I agree that the deck probably needs more work. The side board was kind of thrown together really. I agree that I definitely would need some cards to counter things like re-animator decks.
Yes, I don't like to be boxed in with only one win condition, which is why I tried to mix things up a little.
DOH!!!!!!! I can't believe I forgot about Mind Grind! Thank you!
I like this, except that I'm not a huge fan of enchantments because then you have a tendency to loose 2 cards for the cost of one.Two things I would consider for a Vampire deck. 1. Bloodline Keeper: who doesn't want more flying vampires every turn with the possibility of giving all vampires +2/+22. Runechanter's Pike or some other way to give your creatures first strike like Weapon Surge. deathtouch+first strike=evil incarnate.
Domri Rade is good if you have a creature heavy deck, and you only have 17 of them, so his use is now limited to having your creature fight another. I would probably remove him from the deck and include ranger's guile to protect the creatures that have madcap skills on them. Or heck add more Pyrewild Shamans, those guys are amazing.Finally drop the elixirs, and put in revive if you want to retrieve some creatures from your graveyard.
Oh I like this! Honestly you have too much "unblockable" cards which will be useless if you don't have board presence or your heavy hitter there. I would simply just keep the artful dodges and remove ghostform and teleportal. This way you can add in some searing spears, and more pillars of flame to use as finishers or to save your skin. Secondly, the shrieking afflictions are good, but assume you have the Sire out, which may not always be the case. I feel like Shrieking Affliction is something you build a deck around. I would consider removing those and putting some more creatures to increase your board presence.
Great feedback, and voidwalk is a great suggestion. The Neightveil Stalker was there because I didn't think I needed 4 Mind Drinkers. Maybe I could drop the Stalker and an unsummon and drop two hand of binding to put in some voidwalks.
I just like the idea of dropping a lightning mauler on turn two unpaired, then turn three frontline medic and swing with everyone indestructible. But yes there are many options for a 2 drop.
Nex,I would agree with Endgame on this. Either you go for Aggro and hit fast with small creatures which is what you have at the moment, or you go for a ramp strategy in which case you could go tri-color, and heck include Arbor Elf and Zhur-Taa Druids followed up with bigger creatures and, heck, Rancor to boot!As it is, I would stick with heavy aggro and put in Lightning Maulers for turn 3 battalion trigger and Hellrider for a finisher.
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