Kabira evangels + violent outburst is the way to go. Gives you a couple of options for instant speed protection from colour. Also, as with most decks, bloodbraid elf would be a nice addition. I think turntimbers, while nice, are a pointless addition to the deck. Max out your 2 drops with oran-rief survivalist. By the time you get to 5 mana, you should have already won! Ditto with the warlord and the pyromancers. I find oust, or if you can afford it path to exile, more tempting removal in this deck than lightning bolt. You're never going to need to throw the damage at their face if you've got kabira to see you through defenses and oust has got eldrazi annoyance power. Plus with the damage capacity of this deck you're not going to mind them having 3 more health at the expense of their defenses. Naya charms are worth considering instead of some of the more expensive creatures too, as they are v flexible, and versus another zoo tapout will score you big hits/ save your bacon.