
15 Decks, 71 Comments, 23 Reputation

Also, you really need some removal... I would move either 4 Push or 4 Path to the main.
(Path makes sense for this deck. Getting things into Exile)

Posted 20 December 2020 at 23:42 in reply to #638858 on Esper Processor


You 100% want Flickerwisp.
Flickering out and then Processing is 100/100.

I'd also up the Spell Quellers to 4.
You don't need Defense, so I'd remove the Wall of Omens entirely.

Furthermore, aside from AEther Vial, you don't have any other t1 plays. I'd replace the Brain Maggot and Resto Angels for 3 Inquistion/3 Thoughtseize.

Posted 20 December 2020 at 23:30 as a comment on Esper Processor


I'm upset that you didn't only use Black Slivers tbh

Posted 26 January 2020 at 00:43 as a comment on Sliva Nigga


Not sure how Academy Ruins works alongside Oko/Astrolabe. Oko doesn't destroy it. Astrolabe never enters the Graveyard, so you'll not be able to Academy it back on top of the library.

Oath of Nissa is the best card in your deck and I would recommend playing 4.
I would also recommend 4 Ice-Fang Coatl. It's psuedo-removal, a fantastic blocker that replaces itself, and provides great protection for your planeswalkers.

Force of Negation could be a consideration. Tap out for a powerful walker, counter your spell that is supposed to kill it or a Karn or Temur-Battle Rage or something like that? Your deck wins in value massively, you can afford to 2-for-1 yourself here and there.

Fun deck, and I look forward to seeing it evolve!

Posted 23 December 2019 at 03:44 as a comment on Modern Temur Superfriends


Holy three-drops!
I'd heavily recommend either lowering your curve or at least adding some more turn-1 mana ramp like Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch. Utopia Sprawl alone is not enough.

4th Stubborn Denial is miles better than either a Mutagenic Growth or Blossoming Defense.
Lightning Bolt is a very good Magic card and I would recommend 4 for this deck. Also, Hooting Mandrills fits your theme beautifully. Maybe two of them instead of the Qal-Sisma Behemoth?

Posted 31 October 2018 at 14:58 as a comment on Temur


So the Pili-Pala // Grand Architect Combo is just a matter of the card texts lining up.
If you look at Grand Architect, you must pay U to make Pili-Pala Blue. You then use Grand Architects second ability to tap the creature and add two mana to your pool.

You then use Pili-Pala's own ability to untap it, and add One mana of any colour to your pool.

This results in unlimited mana in any combination of colours.

Don't get me wrong, Wild Cantor is a decent card, but maybe not what this deck is looking for.

Posted 19 August 2018 at 22:26 in reply to #617221 on Undying - xtreme budget


Wild Cantor does not trigger whenever it dies. It's ability is:
"(cost) Sacrifice Wild Cantor: (Ability) Add One Mana of any colour"
This is not the same as "When Wild Cantor is put into your Graveyard, add One Mana of any colour".
You cannot Sacrifice Wild Cantor using Spawning Pool, Infernal Plunge and get the mana from Wild Cantor's ability.

I'd possibly recommend Llanowar Elves or Arbor Elf.

Game Trail and Copperline Gorge is a dirt cheap way of fixing mana.

Posted 19 August 2018 at 20:01 as a comment on Undying - xtreme budget


Ah, I forgot about Become Immense. Incredibly good as a 2-3-of

Posted 09 June 2018 at 13:57 in reply to #615443 on Infect (Modern)


Might of Alara is only +2/+2 at best as you only have two basic land types.
I'd recommend cutting these for Might oif Old Krosa or Giant Growth. Also, Mutagenic Growth is much needed. It's one of the best cards in the deck.

Inkmoth Nexus as well is a must. You almost can't play without it. I'm a big fan of unblockable, but with Blighted Agent, I'm not sure you'll need the 4 Slip Through Space on top of the 3 Distortion Strike.

Explore is a neat card, but I'm not sure it fits the archetype. Is this in replacement of Noble Hierarch? If Hierarch is outside of your price range, might I suggest Birds of Paradise?

Infect is a very cool deck that can go really far. Keep up the builds!

Posted 09 June 2018 at 13:05 as a comment on Infect (Modern)


Vapor Snag is strictly better than Unsummon. Repeal is also VERY good as a one/two of-of this effect.
I would out the Mizzium Mortars for two more lands, one of which should be Desolate Lighthouse.
Turn 1 Blue is also very important in this deck. I'd recommend either cutting two Mountains for two more Islands, or adding Spirebluff Canals, if your budget allows for it.

While Delver of Secrets is a great card, it actually goes against the deck a little bit.
If Delver is flipped, it is no longer a Wizard which will cut the Wizard's Retort, Wizard's Lightning, and the pump ability of Adeliz.

Posted 31 May 2018 at 22:53 as a comment on Izzet Wizzards


All those Cast Down just feel very bad. I'd much rather see 3 of them out for 2 more Liliana of the Veil and a Murderous Cut.

Not sure why you'd play Fetch Lands. The Life in a mono coloured deck just isn't worth it for some "filtering". 4x Black Cycling lands just seems better. Also, why Urborg? It's worse against Bloodmoon and helps get your opponents out of Black mana screw.
Perhaps 2x Field of Ruin could be helpful here too?

Really happy to see Phyrexian Oblitorator in a deck, though! Nice list :>

Posted 30 May 2018 at 22:31 as a comment on Angry Gary


That Meddling Mage art Split :ThrowingUpEmoji:

Besides that, looks like a good list!

Posted 15 April 2018 at 02:16 as a comment on 5 Color Humans Modern


I used to play a Knights Deck.
I called it Pro-Knights. They all had protection from a colour, this was during the height of Jund many years ago (it's on the rise again because of Bloodbraid Elf).

I did run Mainboard Mirran Crusader and Knight of Glory/Infamy. With AEther Vial, it all makes for a very potent combo.

Posted 25 March 2018 at 01:40 as a comment on Knights do Worship


I've always been a big fan of Lyev Skyknight. Seudo removal, evasion and a 3/1 gets you far.
Nimble Obstructionist could add some much needed interaction to go with the body. Flash is a VERY strong ability.

You're really going to need some removal though to do anything in Modern.
Whatever you have in your budget, I'd try and squeeze 4 Path to Exile in there or perhaps 2 Dismembers.

I also just saw you've got 23 2 drops! that's a lot!!! Perhaps sliding towards those three drops I suggested could help.
I love Pride of the Clouds. Very cool!

Posted 22 March 2018 at 01:03 as a comment on Flying modern budget


I used to play with a very similar deck in EDH.
I had Karona, the False God as the Commander.

I ONLY had things that could be considered deities or the weapons of the deities in the deck. It was a lot of fun!

Posted 25 February 2018 at 21:08 as a comment on Gods of Myth and Legend


I built a somewhat similar deck. I think you need quite a few more lands.
Also, not sure if you have them or not, but you probably want Tarmogoyf.

No Cathartic Reunion? It seems really powerful in your deck.

Posted 11 January 2018 at 13:20 as a comment on Hooting Assault


I'm a huge fan of decks like these, but I'd make a few recommendations:
Life from the Loam is a huge help. Especially when you add in a small package such as Raven's Crime. With Ramunap Excavator, you have 6 Crucible of Worlds effects, which is a lot! I'd possibly reduce that by taking out two Crucibles.

I think that in Black Midrange decks like these, they gain an awful lot from Liliana of the Veil. The Discard matters little to decks that run Crucible of Worlds. Not sure on your budget, but Tarmogoyf is always good in decks with Discard effects.

Speaking of discard effects, you would probably benefit from 2 fewer Inquision of Kozilek and one less Collective Brutality and adding some more Fatal Push. They're incredibly powerful right now. They kill about 90% of all creatures in the format.

Three Gaddock Teeg in the main is interesting. What's pushing you towards that?
I would never run two Surgicals in the main. One is enough to disrupt decks that rely on one single card (Valakut decks/Ad Nauseum/Storm/Through the Breach).

You probably want a few manlands. Look into Treetop Village, Shambling Vent and Stirring Wildwoods and some other utility lands such as Dakmor Salvage and cycle lands (especially if you are indeed interested in Life from the Loam).

Very interesting build! Excited to see where it goes!

Posted 21 December 2017 at 19:19 as a comment on Gitrog Land Control


I couldn't recommend more than two Cryptics for a 4-Colour deck as Triple Blue is really hard to achieve on turn 4 every game.
I think that a lot of the decks you're trying to counter just aren't that big of an issue in Modern right now...UB Mill is not that prevalent. Narset Vengeance is not on the radar either, nor is Cheerios that big of an issue.

If you're looking for solid, stable deck design that tries to beat everything in Modern with that Tutor style of play, you may be interested in UWish or UW Control:

Posted 14 December 2017 at 15:08 in reply to #609780 on Esper Teachings Red


Besides a few cards in the sideboard and the Kolaghan's Command, what do you really get out of Red in this deck?
I think Esper is really the way to go in decks like these. Especially since Kommand doesn't even reach it's potential in this deck as you don't run any creatures.

There's no real reason to not run 4x Snapcaster Mage in a deck like this and you probably want another Colonnade or a Creeping Tar Pit to help you close out games.

Otherwise, interesting take on Teachings

Posted 14 December 2017 at 13:46 as a comment on Esper Teachings Red


I'd highly recommend Lingering Souls. It's one of the best cards in modern right now.

I'd also recommend Mausoleum Wanderer and Rattlechains. Both incredible creatures for the Spirits archetype.

Posted 12 December 2017 at 13:25 as a comment on Modern Esper Spirits


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