Modified Deck of Empires

by toshiro01 on 09 October 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (3 cards)

Creatures (3)

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Deck Description

A standard game based modified version of M12 core set deck "Grab for Power" having the complete presence 3 artifacts (key cards) as the key strategy naming throne of empires, crown of empires and scepter of empires.

The goal to major advantage is to be able to cast the 3 main "empires" artifacts in the game as soon as possible before the opponent can take action.
-Aside from normal drawing phase, additional drawing of cards will be effect by spells of Merfolk Looter (4), Divination (4), Ponder (1), and ultimately the Mind Unbound (2).
-Additional drawing will increase the chance of accumulating the lands, picking & setting up creatures and (of course) the 3 main "empires" artifacts. Such artifacts may still not be within reach but could be assisted by the "deck to hand" effects of Diabolic Tutor (2), Ponder (1) and Rune-Scarred Demon (1).
-This may take several turns that could significantly constraint you with mana requirements (especially during early games), creature attacks & countering effects of the opponent. But defensive measure may be done through Reassembling Skeletons (3), Frost Breath (1) and Doom Blade (3), or if available, with Throne of Empires (2) and Crown of Empires (2).

With the above mentioned plays, "empires" artifacts will have high chances of completing their presence in the battlefield (unless destroyed/countered by opponents which could be retrieve back by Buried Ruin (2)). With the presence of 3 artifacts, major advantage will be upon your hands:
-Control opponent's key/remaining monster (as long as not hexproof) through Crown of Empires (2)
-Direct damage to opponent with the Scepter of Empires (2)
-Defensive and/or offensive creatures from the Throne of Empires (2), and could be a combo for Devouring Swarm (2) for P/T boost.

Rune-Scarred Demon (1) could be a good discard option by Merfolk Creature (4) during the early game and could be just retrieved back through Graveyard Digger (2) and Disentomb (1). This card is one of the offensive monsters you have in this deck.

Mortis Dogs (2) is very strategic since for its offensive effect (see card) good for dealing damage to opponent, with the help of Scepter of Empires (2). Drifting Shade is also good for late game especially when black mana have already been accumulated.

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 199 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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