FNM Fail Why?

by torch711 on 04 July 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Instants (11)

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Sideboard (15 cards)

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Deck Description

So I made this new metalcraft deck and it play tested well but got utterly shutdown at FNM. Two times I played infect and those were my worst loses. My only win of the night was against another metalcraft deck. I am open to any ideas to improve. I am hoping to take it to FNM again after making some changes. I am open to sideboard ideas as well

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  • Tournament

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  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for FNM Fail Why?

The metalcraft deck that eeked out it's win vs. my Make Anew-Splicer deck had Contested Warzone, and I think they sideboarded in Phyrexian Metamorphs.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:09


Honestly, it's not a metalcraft deck. You only have 3 things with metalcraft.

-1 Ornithopter
-1 Memnite
-1Vault Skirge
+3 Accorder Paladin

Getting more battlecry will make all of those little gues more effective. Seems more like a tempered steel deck, really.

Maybe add some Lightning bolts or better yet, Galvanic Blasts. I really don't think you'll be needing Mox Opal that much considering the low cost of most of your things.

As for your loss at FNM, you either had bad luck, or just weren't fast enough. If you wnt to beat them speedy little infect decks, you meed more removal, like Galvanic Blast and lightning bolt, both of which can also be used for straight burn if you don't need the removal.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:10


You could use more creature removal

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:28


What are your main matchup's?

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:47


Also if you do decided to go more artifacts, Indomitable Archangel is pretty good.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:49


Lol true alpha I was discussing a metalcraft deck with someone while writing this and accidently put that instead of tempered steel. I was told by many that if running fling that I didn't need galvanic blast. I do want to add it in though but I am unsure of what to remove.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:48


I'd personally just get complete medieval control removal on their asses. I like a lot of control, Galvanic Blast could be useful I mean 4 dmg for 1 mountain is awesome. I'd definitely add some artifact lands as well, I think that's the key to have a good metalcraft deck. Maybe some removal such as path to exile or swords plowshares. I don't really care for fling all that much to be honest but you gotta improvise your deck to your likings I guess. Also consider that Indomitable Angel.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 04:57


I actually didn't notice the Dispatch, so that's actually fine. Here are some other cards, mostly land suggestions, but other non land cards as well.
dispense justice

ancient den
battlefield forge
sacred foundry
mistveil plains
mishra's factory
mother of runes
ethersworn canonist
lightning helix

Posted 04 July 2011 at 05:02


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Gotta be Standard for FNM.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 07:38


As much as I love Swords it has no place in a standard tournament. Was considering the angel but most people that I was up against didn't run much removal. The only thing people ever bothered to remove was my overseer's.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 05:03


As much as I love Swords it has no place in a standard tournament. Was considering the angel but most people that I was up against didn't run much removal. The only thing people ever bothered to remove was my overseer's.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 05:38


If you want to do better at FNM, here is what you need....

4 inkmoth Nexus, they are crazy sick with temple steel out.

Cut all Immolating Souleater, Steel Overseer, and Porcelain Legionnaire, they are all too slow. Instead, get 4x Glinthawk and 4x Glinthawk Idols.

The Idols are great at surviving through sorceries (including board sweepers), and Glinthawks are so much pwnage with ornothopters and memnites in the deck. Even if they aren't artifacts, they put on so much early pressure.

Sideboard, you need Chimeric Mass. You need to be able to survive sorcery speed board wipes, which glint hawk idol and Chimeric Mass help you do. As well as Inkmoth nexus.

Do those things, you'll see more success.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 06:35


Oh, and I would take out Fling for Galvanic Blast. You have no really high power creatures, so Galvanic Blast would suit you far, far better.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 08:02


Are you kidding, Legionnaire is one of the fastest cards in recent magic. You're nuts to think they don't have a home here.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:55


Honest truth? You need a deck that doesnt die to pyroclasm most likely. I tried this deck, but pyroclasm kills you. Thus you can't beat UBR or Valakut. One guy who is really good in my tests is Glint Hawk Idol. Mass on the sb will help vs Valakut too. I would keep legionnaire, as his first strike is great, but drop Jor, as he is very very slow. Galv Blast >> Fling tbh, in most cases

Posted 04 July 2011 at 07:51


It seems Infect would go through this fast

Posted 05 July 2011 at 04:32


I will drop jor and add in glint hawk idol, Blast will for sure replace fling. Am still unsure what to replace souleater with though

Posted 05 July 2011 at 04:59


Honestly, the Souleater can be a major kill early game. You need more targeted removal from what I'm seeing.
If you plan to run with Mox Opal, make it either 1 or 3. There's no real point in having two only because of the Legendary Rule. At least with 3 in deck if you somehow get all 3 in your opening hand it _CAN_ be a turn 1 Tempered Steel.
If you do remove the Souleater I personally would put in Goblin Guide. Possibly even Glint Hawk. Both strong cards for a 1 CMC

Posted 05 July 2011 at 14:56


All your creatures are too weak by base and cost too much mana; 3 mana/2 Mana and 2 Life for a 3/1 First strike is... terrible, IMHO.

Dispense Justice needs to be in here. You need removal.

Try for a better mana to stuff ratio. I.e. Etched Champion.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 09:22


Maybe add Contested Warzone

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:19


i really dont think you need to run Mox opal. I mean, yea i could help but you are only running 2 colors. maybe add iron myr or something that will tap for mana

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:22


OP: Ignore this post. first turn mana that doesn't die to creature removal is infinitely better than a myr that can't tap for mana until turn 3. Herp derp derp.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:54


Fling is bad, makes you 2-for-1 yourself since most likely you're just using it as removal. Use something like Lightning Bolt or, better, Arc Trail, which will let you 2-for-1 your opponent instead.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:53


I run a mono white deck very similar to this. I've found that running Inkmoth's can be a very fast, suprising win condition. Second, I don't know about you, but where I play there are quite a few splinter twin combo decks. To help deal with those I'd sideboard in celestial purge to take care of the enchantment.

To avoid sorcery speed removals, chimeric mass/ glint hawk (hawk over idol) are a must. A DoJ, without having anything held back in your hand can be game over in a flash.

Lastly, Gitaxian probe could be good, it depends on how you want to run your deck. It's good for digging for tempered steel as well as knowing if your opponent has any mass removal / counter spells waiting

Posted 06 July 2011 at 20:03


etched champion is good vs. valakut and i think thats and bu control becomes something alot players play

Posted 06 July 2011 at 20:35


If you are running a deck which is based around the theory of controlling multiple artifacts at a time than running Fling is sort of counterproductive. My own metalcraft deck makes use of Dispense Justice an I've never not been happy with it.

Posted 07 July 2011 at 00:08


I'd ignore the comments about removing the Soldier... They seem to be ignoring the fact that you're pumping up your creatures via Steel Overseer and Tempered Steel.

Jor Kadeen does seem a bit slow, but if he got down and stuck it would be hard to lose.

You said you lost to infect, so I'd find ways to combat that. Simply adding in more removal is a good way to turn the tides. Infect creatures are usually small so throwing in 4 Arc Bolts to the side board will help with any sort of aggressive match up you find, whether its KRed, or Infect. The other option will be simply main boarding Whiplash. It ignores all your own creatures (beside Jor) and acts as a one sided pyroclasm.

If board sweepers are at your meta then sideboard creatures like Tuktuk and Myr Sire. If it works for Kred it will work even better for a deck that is pumping the artifacts. After a pyro clasm that 1/1 goblin becomes a 5/5 artifact that is now a 7/7 with Tempered Steel. (Take out Ruthless Invasion and Scrapyard... both won't be of much use)

I would suggest removing the Immolating Souleaters for the Glint Hawk Idols (straight trade). The Idols will survive the board sweepers and become massive fliers with Tempered Steel. (Note the counters you put on them with Steel Overseer, will stay on after they go back to being simple artifacts).

Posted 07 July 2011 at 22:47


I would dump Jor Kadeen in favor of Hero of Bladehold. Hero also pumps your creatures (although not as much as Jor Kadeen), but also pumps out two additional creatures (which is more valuable), giving you the value of three or more cards in one if you get to attack at least once.

I'm also not a big fan of Immolating Souleaters because if they get hit with removal after you have pumped them using phyrexian mana, then it's essentially a two-for-one for the opponent. Try Blade Splicer instead to get a two-for-one in your favor.

While we're on the subject of two-for-ones, Fling also sets up your opponent to get a two-for-one in their favor if they counter it. Try a two-for-one in your favor (or at worst one-for-one if it is countered) such as Staggershock or Arc Trail.

Posted 08 July 2011 at 21:40
