Brown Ring Fiend

by TobyTheCow on 10 May 2010

Main Deck (61 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

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Deck Description

Red Green Beatdown/Burn/Stompy deck.

Kiln Fiend is the basis of this deck, with the possibility of doing large amounts of damage early on, Plated Geopede seems like a good sidekick for the Fiend, both early threats that can get real fat. Elvish visionary is good card draw for this deck, puts a body on the field and a card in your hand, and the other elf, Bloodbraid Elf, hits almost every card in this deck (sept for other BBEs and Vol).

Vines for protection (or even anti-protection if played in response to your opponent giving there creature protection) and possible pumping, Colossal Might for the obvious effect, Staggershock to deal with small creatures and to burn face, Bolt for the same reason.
Harrow allows for colour fixing and pumps both Kiln Fiend and Plated Geopede, aswell as being a good out to Spreading Seas and other such land disruption.

Sarkhan Vol is a nice one of, gives you a temporary out to baneslayer and a polymorphed Emrakal can suddenly be bashing its owner for the win.

Heat Ray can be a good out to annoying creatures at instant speed, not much else to it.
Naturalize can kill a collar or an eldrazi conscription at the click of some mana
Unstable Footing == Kill Gideon!
Ricochet Trap can be good against UW control, Polymorph or Mythic, also is a fun trick with spreading seas

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Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 157 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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