Thanks for the suggestion! My idea was to use Gomazoa and Hands of Binding to try to keep their creatures off the board or tapped, and swing through with my Consuming Aberration and Vantress Gargoyle with cipher codes encoded on them, and use the Ruin Crabs for some early game mill. But I haven't had a chance to playtest it yet so I'm not sure how well that'll actually play out. Writ of Passage (or maybe Aqueous Form?) look like they might help pull that off even better.Also, what is boca?
Thanks guys! I really like Mana Leak, and I've added a few in. Mental Misstep looks great, but I don't think they'll be playing with enough 1-mana spells to make it useful. Maybe for a sideboard?I think I'll stick with Aqueous Form over Stratus Walk. None of them typically play with red or black removal cards, or not many if they do, so I don't expect to see them showing up in their $10 decks.I really appreciate all the input and help from you guys =]
Thanks for the ideas! I've added in the Viral Drake and Steady Progress, and removed the Decimator's Web and Inexorable Tide.This is just for a little challenge with a few friends. Our only guidelines were at least 60 cards, no infinite loops, and it has to be $10 or less (excluding basic lands). So it doesn't have to be Modern. What would you recommend to replace the Abjures though?
I had no idea it even existed! It's amazing, thank you! I've tweaked the deck and added it.
I built the deck from cards I already own and I only had 3 fogs. It looks like Defend the Hearth would let me do combat damage to creatures while negating the damage to players, so maybe I could still Deathtouch or kill a creature. Think it'd be worth it to keep it or run another one or just ditch it for another fog?
Last Gasp seems like a much better option for just one additional mana. I'll have to see if I can pick some up in a trade. Thanks for the suggestion!
I completely overlooked the shock lands, haha. They're a bit out of my budget, but you're right. They would be a great replacement for the guildgates for more competitive play.
Haha, yes! Play ALL the slivers!
Yeah, I really like the life gain from Warleader's Helix on top of the damage. I was hoping that by the time I could play either Warleader's Helix or Explosive Impact, I'd have enough tokens out to be blocking each turn and not need the extra life. I do want to keep it on the sideboard though, I think it'd be really good against another burn deck or unblockable creatures.
Thanks! I wanted something that would stay in standard for a while with M14 and Theros on the way. I'm definitely going to add that in, thanks for the suggestion!