For the big killer of the deck, I had to choose between Malfegor, Xanthid Demon, Defiler of Souls, Anowon,
the Ruin Sage and Rapacious One. I decided against Malfegor because he KILLS your hand, Defiler of Souls, since he takes too long to have major effect, Anowon, since he can make u kill off your Mortician Beetle. and Rapacious One, since he isnt powerful enough for a turn 6 drop. And if you successfully use Xanthid, you can sacrifice your Mortician Beetle, who's probably around 6-10 power by now, to do some sick damage, then swing for a 7/7 trample.
Alrighty then, normal creature explanation time.
Mortician Beetle - Obvious, he gets super powerful, super quick.
Bloodthrone Vampire - Obvious, sacrifice your guys for power.
Pawn of Ulamog - for all of your creatures that die, you get easy 0/1 spawn tokens, that you can either sacrifice for mana acceleration, or power up your Bloodthrone Vampire.
Bloodghast - Excellent Sacrificial-E creature. Repeatably sacrifice him to quickly buff up your guys, then return with lands. Fetch lands double the sacrifice output.
Gatekeeper of Malakir - awesome 3 mana drop to make them sacrifice their guys and power up your Mortician Beetle in response.
Grotag Siege-Runner - good solution to sideboard him, to deal with annoying UW(x) Control decks and UWr Planeswalker decks. Shatter their walls.
Vampire Hexmage - pure planeswalker hate, while being a decent card, 2/2 with first strike for BB mana.
Malakir Bloodwitch - awesome replacement for Xanthid, since deck is 90% Vampires. Gain awesome life, and trashes UW Control / White Weenie decks.
Next up, selected spells.
Act of Treason - Easy choice here, steal guys for you to sacrifice either before you attack for +2/+2 to Bloodthrone, or sacrifice after you have THEM attack the opponent.
Blightning - Normal card choice for Black/Red Aggro decks, Jund, and RbDW, it's an awesome card.
Grim Discovery - recycle your sacrificed creatures and your fun fetch lands.
Terminate - additional spot removal, for creature heavy builds. Might cut it after some tweaking.
Duress - excellent prevention of annoying planeswalkers, counters, day of judgement, anything you dont like.
Finally, the single Artifact
Blade of the Bloodchief - One of my friends plays a very mean Vampire deck, and I got to say, that if you're running vampires, this card is a given. It doesnt matter if your guys or theirs die, the +1/+1 counters are still handed out.