Style of the deck is to get quick creatures out on the field, then ridiculously pump them up ASAP.
The Core creatures here are Kiln Fiends. Kiln Fiend gets super powerful from your cheap little spells while. Goblin Guide is there for a power 1 mana cost creature drop. Plated Geopede is there to help put the pressure on, being a 5/5 on turn 3 if you play a fetch land. Ruinous Minotaur can help be a win-con in this deck. Hurts yourself, but can really help deal damage, if you make it unblockable (or using Smoldering Spires)
Basically, you keep it about 20 lands if you want to keep the quickness, 22 for Standard, and 24 for longer games. I'm at 21 for balance between Aggro and Standard for this deck style. Plenty of fetch lands for pumping Plated Geopede.
You got your standard burn spells, Lightning Bolt for player and Flame Slash for creatures.. Nothing to see here. Staggershock is the same, but it's rebound ability really helps, does 4 damage for 3 mana, dividable by 2. Like a super forked bolt. It's rebound also helps keep my critters pumped up. Spell Pierce - basically, this deck should never get past turn 5. That's why Spell Pierce is here, to be an excellent low cost counter, helping protect my Kiln Fiends. Most of the time, they wont have an additional 2 mana to stop the counter. Distortion Strike is the very idea of the deck, use it on Kiln Fiend to make it a 5/2 unblockable for 2 turns, or use it on Surrakar Spellblade to refill your hand. Ponder is there to help plan out your moves.
---Desperate Killer---
Ruinous Minotaur and Devastating Summons are my finishers, if they eliminated my Kiln fiend. Ruinous Minotaur + Distortian Strike is a desent compensation. Devastating Summons can be a great finisher too, but NEVER sac ALL your lands. Counter'd, and you're done for. Always leave 1 Blue open for a spell pierce. Land isnt an issue in this deck, not by much. And I can sacrifice my Wind Zendikons to save a free island.
Manabarbs. Eat apart stalling U/W Control Decks
Into the Roil. Bounce back planeswalkers or expensive enchantments.
Searing Blaze. Heavier burn for Vamps and Naya decks.
Shatter. Anti Artifact spell.
Unstable Footing. Bonus to Kiln fiend + eliminates damage preventions, like Harm's way or Angel Song.
Turn 1 - Mountain, Goblin Guide, attack (18)
Turn 2 - Island, Kiln Fiend, Goblin attack (16)
Turn 3 - Mountan, Distortion Strike, 2x Lighting Bolt and/or Forked Bolt to life (4-6 damage), Kiln Fiend attacks for 11/2 unblockable, Goblin attacks (-3 to -1)
Yeah, it can kill THAT fast.