I would add some Honor of the Pures and some Silences.
1. This deck isnt listened under 'Tournament Quality' for a reason. It's a casual deck. I just browse through Type 2 Decks for a reason. 2. Even though it's a burn deck, I have monsters and spells in here that act as blockers/burners. Why would I have a terminate in a discard deck? Because it helps keep the field less active while I get ready. Trust me, this deck was just composed under the strategy to kill them with card discards and draws, not for 7 turn Tournament games.
+ Progenitus is a very nice card, but he isnt ESSENTIAL in this deck. It's theme is using all of Alara for huge power. Knight of New Alara is like the general, the important dude. He makes all my 2 mana drop monsters 6/5's with their special ability, Maelstrom Archangel a 10/10 flyer, Fusion Elemental 13/13, and Progenitus 15/15.
About the special mana, I know and I just have to accept it, it would be alot harder trying to play with basic lands. And you obviously didnt look at Maelstrom Archangel OR Elvish Piper. They're both very easy ways to get Progenitus out on the field.
I thought that at first, but i want this deck to be, that once i get the field full of monsters, that it would be impossible for them to stop me. Sure, Child of Alara would be an 11/11 with trample, but if they play a simple terminate, my entire field dies. Yeah, didnt want to play with the time bomb.
He placed 5th out of 56 at the tournament. So close to making top 3 and advancing. Poor guy loss to a white life gain deck with protection from black.
For the blade of the bloodchief, you usually put it on vampire nighthawk and block with him, while you rush them with bloodghasts. If they dont block it, then they take damage. if they do and their creature dies, 1 less creature. If they block and bloodghast dies, it goes to the graveyard and vampire nighthawk gets +2/+2. Then next turn, play a land and bloodghast is back. Also, dont complement him. He made me put it up here. He's a douche :P It's not too complicated, but very deadly. He's going to Pro Tour tournament in Houston tomorrow, I'll tell you how it goes.
Indestructible = Can never be destroyed. Even if his defense goes to 0, he'll still be there, until end of turn. Only thing that can counter it is a counter summon spell, a spell to send it back to my hand, or a spell to exile it (So blue decks might give me a problem)
I know, I saw that one, but there are a few problems with it. Furnace of Rath is like a double-edged Quest for Pure Flame. It hurts me too. Normally, I wouldnt worry about that, but my deck runs on Manabarbs. Manabarbs will 60% of the time be used during my matches. If I play Furnace, not only will I take 4 damage from it (only 1 will be healed from Dragon Amulet) but every time use a land, I'll take 2 damage. So my 1 mana drops will hurt me for 1, while 2 mana drops hurt me for 3. Not worth it. It's good for a Red/Green no land deck (Fucking Birds of Paradise) but not for this one.
Yeah, I know. I had it in my sideboard, but decided to switch to my main board.
Fail, you dont have Blade of the Bloodchief, the best artifact equip for vampires in the game. If I was you, I would take out half those Vampires and make the others 4x, so it'll be more consistant. 4x Blade of the Bloodchief 4x Vampire Nocturnus 4x Bloodghast 4x Gatekeeper of Malakir 4x Vampire Nighthawk 4x Child of Night I would recommend those for monsters. Getting multiple Vampire Nocturnuses on the field super charges your Vampires, and the majority of them have Lifelink. Get some good special lands. Spells are up to you to choose, but for Vampire Decks, I wouldnt recommend even running Planeswalkers.
That would make me have to add blue mana. Not doing it, a 3rd color would over complicate.
Malfegor already eliminates most of their monsters, in revelance to how many cards I discard. Using earthquake when their monster field is almost barren as it is would only hurt my guys. I already have Blood Cultist, Goblin Sharpshooter, and Terminate for controlling enemy monsters, dont need Earthquake.
The Core of this deck, the foot soldiers, are all 1/1, 2/2 and 3/2. Earthquake would ruin me, if I dont have any Ashenmoor Lieges on the field. Blood Cultist with Deathtouch + Goblinsharpshooter with his Deathtouch are only 1/1 or 2/2, and unless I build counters on Blood, Earthquake will kill everything on the field, even my guys.
to start you off, you should remove 2 of your Rafiq of the Many. It's a Legendary, and when u play a 2nd creature of the same class as the 1st, they both are destroyed. 2nd - look at some of these monsters with Exalted - Aven Squire ; Qasali Pridemage ; Giltspire Avenger ; Guardians of Akrasa. All of those are Exalted monsters. Aven is basically Akrasan Squire with flying. Qasali Pridemage has a great effect for keeping your opponent's field weaker. Giltspire is good for countering attacks. Guardians of Akrasa is a cheap 0/4 blocker with Exalted. Anything other monster I can think of is Wall of Denial, a 1WU defender, 0/8 with shroud and flying. And another monster, not Exalted EXACTLY, would be Knotvine Paladin. It's a GW monster, 2/2, and he gets +1/+1 for each untapped monsters. Which basically means he double's all of your other creature's Exalted skilled. Now, for your Lands. I would recommend adding 4 Seaside Citadels to it, since they act for White, Green, or Blue mana. For Spells, try Bant Charm. Great Counter card for White/Green/Blue decks.
A few recommendations. 1st, when u run a 60 card deck, you usually only have 2 legendarys. Best chance to get one, yet not get both. I would take 2 Kazuuls out of your deck. Another thing. Try looking up these other burn spells - Burst Lighting ; Magma Spray ; Disintegrate For stockpiling mana + cards, look to these artifacts... Look up Everflowing Chalice. It costs 0 with multikicker 2. For every multikick, it gets a charge counter. For each charge counter, u can tap it for 1 colorless mana. Also look up Font of Mythos. It costs 4 mana and it lets everyone draw 3 cards. Doing this will help you always have some burn spells in hand, and get land quicker.
*Triple, my bad. 20 total + beacon 20 20 (beacon) x 2 (boon) = 4 20 + 40 = 60
Very nice muffinman, thanks for the tip. I replaced Invincible Hymn with that one, since it's cheaper to use, and this + Boon = Quadruple health.
For 1 thing, lower the # of Isamaru, Hound of Kondas you have in your deck. It's a good card, but if you end up playing a 2nd one, with the 1st one still in play, the legendary rule kicks in and you have to destroy both. I cant really understand the goal of this deck, it being either mainly life gain, and or a counter deck to Black and Red. Nice basic cards, dont be afraid to pump it up a bit. I do like the idea of Ajani Goldmane, gonna put him in my Life Gain deck. Good luck.
I appreciate the help. But for Isamaru, with the Legendary Rule, I could only have 1 on the field. If I play a 2nd, they both are destroyed. Kabira Crossroads, very nice land, thanks. Sunspring Expedition, I might use to replace Angel's Mercy, since you have to pay 4 mana for 7 instant life. Thank you for the help :D
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