GW deck please comment tips

by tmac234 on 06 January 2015

Main Deck (56 cards)

Sideboard (5 cards)

Creatures (1)

Enchantments (4)

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Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 638 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for GW deck please comment tips

Meh- this is literally a giant pile of rares... what's the idea behind the deck? does it do anything? The only cards you have 4 of are the Courser, Caryatid, and the See the Unwritten. Courser and Caryatid go hand in hand in almost every green deck, but you don't have any creatures with power 4 or greater to help it trigger ferocious for the Unwritten- not without help. And 2 random Gifts? and 2 random Godsends? I'm certain the deck can win games on the strength of the level of the card power alone, but I'm not sure I'd call it a deck.... depending on what you want to do with it, shaving a few things and increasing different cards can take it to an agro deck or a midrange deck... Brimaz and the Fleecemane are more the agro pieces, but the Queen, Hydra, and even the plainswalkers are more midrange... not saying that any of those are bad cards, but I find that the pieces work together better when there's a plan to the deck... just my opinion.

Posted 06 January 2015 at 14:26


I appreciate the comment and the advice I will take it into consideration. Even though I have been playing magic for years making decks wasn't my strong point and I was looking into more imbetween agro and midrange that's why the plainswalkers, queen and hydra are in there for midrange and the few agro pieces as well. And I do agree with you that the cards do work better with a plan behind them its just for me its Harding trying to stick with a plan while building and finding the cards that suit that plan. Again thanks for the advice and if there is any more advice you could give me I would be grateful.

Posted 06 January 2015 at 21:54
